India is one of the richest and most ancient cultural heritages in the world. Indian art in its various forms has not only added to the beauty and progress of our nation but also been a livelihood for artisans residing in rural areas of India.
Trace the 5000 year-olds history of tattoos in India from its humble beginnings to its role in mainstream fashion. The tradition and skills are passed down to generations in the family who are responsible for keeping it alive. Indian culture have become accustomed to the art of temporary tattoos, Mehndi or Henna tattoos, that so many girls and ladies decorate their hands with, during traditional Festivals /ceremonies like weddings.
The temporary tattoo art of mehndi also has a deep rooted cultural connect with India, with the use of mehndi and turmeric being described in the earliest Vedic ritual books. The primary focus of mehndi in India has always been on the women of the house and it is traditionally used for celebrations and rites of passage.
India has maintained a rich cultural heritage of tattooing tradition spanning the entire length and breadth of the country. Tattoos have beautiful meaning and are more than just decorative. It lets you remember things that are so close to your heart. They constantly remind you of things that you strongly believe in. People are sentimental about their tattoos, which symbolizes deep and rich elements of their life.
Indigenous people are aware that tattoos identity them as tribal, and hence they are seen as inferior. The tradition of tattooing was venerated across the agrarian and forested landscapes of India. The ancient maze-like carvings on prehistoric rocks were copied by tribal communities on their bodies. A traditional tattoo kit is simple: a single needle and gourd bowl to hold the liquid pigment, which is made by mixing lamp soot with tannin from the bark of local trees. A small quantity of turmeric powder is also added to brighten the colour and to prevent swelling.
This can be attributed to the fact that most of India’s tattooed tribes have dwelled in remote hinterlands until recently and have long been suppressed, forgotten, and/or discriminated against for their refusal to discard “primitive” tribal practices like tattooing that seemed uncivilized and unimportant in comparison to more urban, modern, and sophisticated cultural lifestyles in the cities.
In the Apatani tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, for instance, young girls were tattooed to make them unappealing to the rival tribes of the neighbouring districts, who could otherwise abduct their prettiest women, including tribe, the Singhpo of Assam and Arunachal. Also prominent among the tattooed tribes of the northeast were the headhunting Konyaks of Nagaland who tattooed their faces to indicate their prowess in battle and headcount.
Tattoos also helped in establishing tribal identity in the region, besides enabling recognition after death in a war or fatal accident. Body art was very prevalent among the warlike tribes of the northeast (including the Noctes and Wanchos of Arunachal) as they regarded tattoos as a sign of strength, courage, and virility because of the pain associated with the piercing process.
In Southern India, permanent tattoos are called pachakutharathu. The nomadic Korathi tattoo artists travelled the countryside in search of clients. The kollam, a sinuous labyrinthine design believed to ensnare evil beings, is inked on bodies to permanently keep them safe and secure until reunited with deceased ancestors in the afterlife. Among the Toda tribe of South India, the hands and calves and shins are tattooed with the same geometric patterns used in their embroidery.
Central India also has a long tradition of tattooing. The Dhanuks in Bihar believe tattoos deglamourize women, this helps them evade the eyes of influential predators. Due to the prevalence of purdah, women from lower castes had to have visible parts of their bodies tattooed to signal their inferior status.
The Gonds of Central India, one of India’s largest tribes, traditionally left much of their bodies exposed. The bare skin was covered with kohkana (Gondi for tattoos) to ensure they looked decent. The Munda tribe in Jharkhand, which values courage, uses body art to record historic events. The Mundas thrice defeated the Mughals and, to commemorate these victories, Munda men even today tattoo three straight vertical lines on their foreheads.
Chhattisgarh’s Ramnamis fought caste discrimination with full-bodied ‘Ram Ram‘ tattoos, a message to their persecutors that God is everywhere, regardless of a person’s caste or social standing. Denied entry to temples and forced to use separate wells, the Ramnamis first tattooed their bodies and faces more than 100 years ago with these words, which are as much a demonstration of devotion as a talisman against persecution.
Women of the Kutia Kondh tribe of Odisha, called the ‘the people of the spirit world,’ ink themselves with beautiful geometric facial tattoos; it is said these identifying marks ensure they recognize each other once they enter the spirit world. It is believed the painful experience prepares a girl for motherhood and gives her the strength to face the challenges of life.
The Santhal tribes of Bengal and Jharkhand have different tattoos for each sex, for different parts of the body and for different life stages. Floral patterns are painstakingly inked on the bodies of Santhal women, including their faces. The men inscribe tattoos called sikkas on their forearms and wrists, named thus because they are usually the size of coins called sikka in the Santhal dialect. The number of these tattoos is always odd, because odd numbers signify life and even numbers symbolise death in Santhal cosmology.
Even among the tribes of western India, the craft of tattooing is revered, with tattoos having a close relation to secular and religious subjects of devotion. The Rabari women of Kutch have practised tattooing for decorative, religious, and therapeutic purposes for hundreds of years. The Rabari women tattoo elaborate symbols onto their necks and arms, signifying their strong faith in magic.
The Kothari women generally begin the task of elaborate tattooing by bestowing blessings on their subjects while the Rajput women bear the emblem of Krishna’s crown on their arms as a mark of aristocracy. Despite the wails of pain, the ladies are always perfect in their designing of the symbols and figures.
The tattoo motifs preferred by the Mer tribe of Gujarat also include holy men, popular Gods and symbols derived from nature. A Mer woman’s most favourite tattoo design is called hansali, which extends right from her neck to the border of her inner feet. Tattoos are also used to strengthen the marital relationship between couples, with the symbol of Moon protecting his favourite wife and Lord Vishnu’s tools like wheel and lotus being marked on the wife’s palms to keep her secure.
While body art has been practised for centuries in many Indian communities, it’s only over the past few decades that tattoos have become a fashion statement among urban Indian youth. Over the ages, Indian body art has undergone a great transformation from tattooing for beauty and tradition to tattooing for fashion and beliefs. A blend of creativity and fashion, tattoos are no longer just about identity and territory. In today’s world, they have become a way to express beliefs, memories and the phase one is going through in life.
Ancient Indian Art and Crafts
Authored by Anadi Sahoo