What’s Food Got to Do with It?
What’s Food Got to Do with It?
Digestion is of paramount importance in Ayurveda. The complete digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food nutrients make up the building blocks of the body, called ahara rasa, the juice of the food. When the food is chewed and swallowed, it mixes with water, enzymes, and acids. The resulting product— food matter ready to be assimilated—is the “juice.” To assimilate nature’s bounty into the body connects the microcosm to the macrocosm. Good digestion results not only in a glowing, healthy body but in a glowing consciousness as well. If you are just beginning to understand Ayurveda, it may be easier to become aware of what you are eating and how it makes you feel than it is to realize whether you are “connected.” The feelings of connection and wholeness are fostered by a good diet and a good gut, and isn’t that what everybody wants?