What is PITTA Dosha?

After consuming food from universe it should be transformed in to useful form, with the help of metabolic activity, This transformation, suggestion, and metabolism is done by pitta dosha.

Pitta is  substance with specific properties and function.Agni is energy residing in pitta. Properties of pitta are  oily, sharp , penetrating,light,unpleasant smell, liquid.

Common functions of pitta are Digestion or transformation, heat,Vision,hunger,thirst,taste,luster and complexion of skin,. Grasping and understanding capacity, braveness,courage, Normal metabolism. Different glands in the gastrointestinal tract which secrets digestive juice are medium of pitta flow.

Common site of pitta:
Abdominal Part around umbilicus Stomach, serum, blood,Skin,In the eyes.

Hyper state of pitta:
yellows colored in in stool,urine,yellow eyes and skin excessive hunger (polyphagia)excessive thirst polydipsia burning sensation, insomnia.

Hypo state of pitta:
Low digestive fire cold, brightening and glorification function becomes low
Principle treatmentof pitta
One should follow diet, behaviour, medicines antagonistic properties of pitta. cooling, soothing measures are expected. Milk, sugar, ghee, mung dal, cold drinks adequate sleep mental rest and medicines like Shatavari, mental rest, coral and rose petals jam should be given.

Ajay Jadhav 


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