On 29th October, 2012 I had gone for Vikram Bhaiya’s satsang to Belapur. On the way back home, the bus was travelling at a very high speed, which ofcourse was enjoyable. But suddenly, a gentleman on his motorcycle came in front of this bus. To avoid the accident, obviously the bus driver instantly pressed the brakes due to which the bus skid forcefully & this force was so enormous that I have gone flying from my seat, onto the staircase of the bus. I did bang my hand & I hurt my leg.But I am thankful to Guruji because if the skid would have been more powerful, I would not land on the staircase, but would have gone straight into the glass of the bus. MIRACLE POSSIBLE ONLY BY BIG BOSS. This is not all, theres one more incident – There is a saying in hindi, “DENE VALA JAB BHI DETA, DETA CHAPAD PHAAD KE”(When the Giver gives,He gives in abundance). But I say, DADIWALA JAB BHI DETA, DETA CHAPAD PHAAD KE, that is because one day I was going on thinking of the Surya Namaskar, I wanted to learn how to do it. This thought was going on in my mind at around 3:30 P.M & surprisingly at around 6 P.M, 2 of my volunteer friends came to my house with the registration forms for the Sri Sri Yoga course which was being taken by Senior International Teacher Laxmi didi. I went for this course & learnt the Surya Namaskar & I was so pleased to do this course. Learning the Surya Namaskar, was like a dream come true. DREAM COME TRUE BECAUSE OF ONE AND ONLY, OUR SWEET SRI SRI. This is not the end, one more Guru story - JGD, People often do think, how is it possible that Guruji knows what we are thinking, how does he know what is going on in our mind? Infact, these questions went on in my mind as well.But, what happened with me in the last advance course in March 2012, made me realize that Guruji indeed knows what is going on our mind. In March, when I went for the AMC with Guruji, I was continuously saying the mantra” GURUJI PLEASE MEET ME”. The course was being taken by Swami Brahmatej. On the 2nd day of the course, I requested Swamiji to make me meet Guruji. The next day, after Guruji finished taking a meditation, a volunteer came to take me to the stage to meet Guruji. After meeting him, I was mentally thanking Swamiji because he kept me in mind & sent a volunteer to make me meet Guruji. That evening when I met Swamiji, I actually thanked him for sending a volunteer to make me meet Guruji. But, Swamiji was looking confused & then he said that he never sent any volunteer to me & that the volunteer was sent by Guruji himself. THIS STATEMENT BY SWAMIJI WAS LIKE A SHOCKER. JGD.
- A Devotee