Tecoma stans (Yellow trumpet flower)-
this attractive flowering plant is native to Mexico, Central & South America. The Genus Tecoma is from the Aztec word (language of Indigenous Mexicans) 'Tecomaxochitl' the plant with tubular flowers resembling an earthen ware vessel. It is an erect shrub. Therefore the specific epithet 'stans' meaning erect. It produces attractive fragrant yellow trumpet shaped flowers with 5 wavy lobes in close clusters at the end of branchlets. Hence its common name 'Yellow Trumpet Flower'. Inside the trumpet, faint orange lines are seen. As Tacoma flowers throughout the year, it is widely used as ornamental. It is propagated both by seeds & stem cuttings. Tacoma foliage is used as fodder. Tacoma contains an alkaloid Tecomine, which has hypoglycemic action. This is used to reduce blood sugars by Latin Americans in their traditional medicine. Mexicans use Tecoma roots to make beer. Its wood is hard & durable. Therefore preferred to make tools.