polkiri coconut milk
Did you know that Polkiri is a food that has unlimited nutritional value as well as disease-preventive properties that are essential to our food tradition in the preparation of kitchen meals?
There is a perception that coconut milk is not healthy because of the saturated fat content. But that is not correct. According to the molecular composition of coconut milk, it is made as fat that is not deposited in the body. Thus, the short chain and medium chain fatty acids work to produce body energy immediately without being stored in the body.
fat in coconut milk is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body's mechanisms against damage. Digestive problems have the ability to suppress diseases such as gastritis. Coconut milk provides 22 percent of your daily iron needs. This rich source of iron helps fight obesity. Coconut milk helps to control nerve disorders, blood pressure, blood sugar and these joint inflammations.
One of the main fatty acids in coconut milk is the powerful lauric acid. Lauric acid has antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, so it fights many diseases. As lauric acid also strengthens the immune system, it also helps prevent disease. If you are a person whose skin has been burnt due to exposure to the sun for a long time, by applying a little coconut milk on your body, you can immediately recover the skin from the effects of this harmful rays