Pelargonium Inquinans
Flower/Plant : Pelargonium Inquinans
Origin: South-western Cape of South Africa.
Plant Type : Geraniaceae
Season: June, July, August, September, October
About :
Pelargonium inquinans, the scarlet geranium, is a species of plant in the genus Pelargonium, that is indigenous to the south-western Cape of South Africa. It is one of the ancestors of the hybrid line of horticultural pelargoniums, referred to as the zonal group. They can easily be propagated by seeds and cuttings.
In the wild, Pelargonium inquinans is a small shrub, about 2 m tall, branched, with young succulent twigs becoming woody with age, bearing red glandular hairs.
The evergreen leaves, borne by long petioles, are orbicular (like Pelargonium × hortorum but without dark markings), incised in 5 to 7 crenate lobes, with a viscous pubescence, giving a cottony appearance to both sides. To the touch, the leaves stain the fingers brown rust.
The scarlet red flowers, sometimes pink or white, are grouped by 10 to 20 in pseudo-umbels. They are bilateral symmetry (zygomorph) with the 2 upper petals may be a little smaller than the 3 lower petals. Stamens and style are exerted. The filaments of the seven fertile stamens join over most of their length
Source :
Ashish Kumar Singh