The one who takes all his attention towards the energy plexus in the body becomes free from worldly worries.What is that bothers us? It is the feverishness in us that bothers us. The want of something more bothers us.

It is surprising that we live with our body throughout our life but we never take attention to our own body. This body is wonderful. It is like Mega city. Crores of bacteria lives in our body. Some are friendly while some are unfriendly. Intestine alone has nearly 50,000 bacteria in it. There are 72,000 veins or highways running in our body. It’s all beautiful to observe it.
The soul is also called Purush. The one who lives in Town. There is no gender discrimination over here.

A chakra or a wheel is a point of prana (energy) in our subtle body, located in the physical counterparts of our body like the veins, arteries and nerves. Yoga is an extremely beneficial way to release the prana or life force whenever it is stuck. Yoga releases the musty energy and invites fresh energy in our system through the poses and breathing.

There are many energy plexus in our body out of those 7 are main
Each of the seven chakras has its own vitality and is related to our emotional well-being.

The Muladhara or root chakra is located at the base of the spine at beginning of the anusand is related to basic human instinct and survival.

The Swadishthana is located above the root chakra, at the sacrum and corresponds to the reproductive cycle.

Above that is the Manipura, located in the stomach area just above the navel and deals with self-esteem, power, fear etc. and physically it deals with digestion.

Above this is Anahata, located in the the center of chest just above the heart and deals with love, inner peace and devotion.

This is followed by Vishuddhi, located in the throat and dealing with communication, self-expression etc.

Above this is Ajna, which is between the eyebrows and responds to intuition, imagination and ability to deal with situations.

Finally, there is Sahasrara, which is at the very top of the head and deals with inner and outer beauty, connection to spirituality, etc.

When yoga and mudras are practiced, the chakras get balanced and make our system, both physical and emotional, function in a stable, balanced manner. Some of these yoga poses include:

Q: Is sexual energy and meditative energy the same energy?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, it is only one energy in the body, but it manifests in different forms, in different chakras. Sexual energy, love energy, intellectual energy, sharpness, awareness, anger; all these are related.

You would have heard about the seven chakras (energy centers) ; it is One Energy that manifests itself in various forms.

In the first chakra (Muladhara), at the base of the spine, the energy manifests as enthusiasm or inertia.

When the same life force energy comes to the second chakra (Swadhisthana), it manifests as sexual energy or creative or procreative energy.

The same energy goes up to the navel region, the third chakra (Manipura), and manifests in four different forms, which relate to four different emotions - greed, jealousy, generosity and joy. That is why all these four emotions are depicted through the tummy.

Jealousy is an emotion that one feels in the stomach. Generosity is depicted with a large tummy, e.g., Santa Claus. Joy is also depicted with a big tummy, e.g., Lord Ganesha and the Laughing Buddha.

The same emotion comes to the fourth chakra (Anahata), the heart chakra; manifests as three different emotions which are love, hatred and fear.

When this energy rises to the fifth chakra (Vishuddha), at the level of the throat, it symbolizes grief and gratefulness. When you feel grief, the throat chokes, and when you feel grateful also, the throat chokes.

The same energy then goes in between the eyebrows to the sixth chakra (Ajna), and manifests as anger and alertness. Anger, alertness, knowledge, and wisdom are all related to the third eye centre.

The same energy goes to the seventh chakra (Sahasrara), at the top of the head and manifests as sheer bliss. That is why in any sanctuary experiences, when you feel total bliss, the mind immediately goes to the top of the head. Something shoots up to the top of the head and you feel blissful.

So, the upward movement and downward movements of energy are all the emotions in life.

When you observe this journey from bottom to top then you come back to source from outer world where there is only happiness and celebration.


T ra). The big and small drums, their effect is from the Mooladhara to Swadishtana(second chakra).

The big wind instruments like trumpets affect the second to third chakra (Swadhisthana to the Manipura). Metallic sounds affect the Manipura to Anahata(the fourth chakra). When you hear a metallic screech, something happens in your belly. How many people have noticed this?

The string instrument has its affects from the naval to the heart. Veena and Sitar – stringed instruments affects the Anahata (the heart chakra).

Flute music, wind instruments and sometimes the piano sounds affect the Anahata to Vishudhi (the throat chakra).

Bells, sounds of water, bird songs, very soft and subtle sounds have its effects from throat to the Agna Chakra (in between the eyebrows).

Then finally the Sahasrara the (top of the head) is affected by meditation and all other instruments put together at once.

If you watch any Indian rituals, you will understand that they knew this. In the temples, they placed the drums on the periphery, then there are the big wind instruments, and on the very inside of the sanctum sanctorum are bells and conch.

So, sound vibes are balanced from the drums to the wind instruments, then stringed instruments, then again wind instruments and then bells and finally, it all ends in silence.

The purpose of sound is silence. Did you all know this? Sound originates from silence and its goal is silence.

Silence simply means total harmony. When there is total harmony deep within you, then even sound seems like an object, it seems heavy. But the way is through sound, through music. Music is that which connects the individual to the universal.

The limited mind expands through music and realizes it is already part of the big consciousness or the big mind. 


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