Love transformed into Bliss, Joy
If you have too much love for money, that is called Greed. Too much love for someone is called Attachment. If you have too much love for body parts, it is called Lust, and if you have too much love towards your seat, position, that is called Ego. All these different distortions love, anger, attachment, if you see the basis there is some attachment there. So, love is the mother of all distortions. Does that mean that we run away from love? No. Everybody wants to know how do we find such happiness where there is no pain.
How do we find such love where there are no distortions in it?
Through Knowledge and Meditation. Without knowledge and meditation, love gets transformed into distortions.
If there is knowledge and meditation then Love gets transformed into Devotion, it remains pure and it gets transformed into Bliss, Joy.
~ Sri Sri Ravi shankarji