HOLY BASIL (Ocimum tenuiflorum or Ocimum sanctum), also known as Tulsi, is an aromatic herb from the family Lamiaceae, that is widely used in traditional medicine and Ayurveda. It is different from the common basil we studied yesterday.
Holy basil is native to India but is now cultivated in many other parts of the world. Holy Basil is considered a sacred plant in India and is commonly used in religious ceremonies. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits. From the leaves to the seed, holy basil is considered a tonic for the body, mind, and spirit.
The scientific name of Holy Basil is Ocimum sanctum. "Ocimum" comes from the Greek word "okimon," which means "smell" or "fragrance," and "sanctum" means sacred or holy. The name "Tulsi" is derived from the Sanskrit word "tulasi," which means "incomparable."
Holy Basil is a perennial herb that can grow up to 1 meter tall. It has hairy stems and green leaves that are slightly serrated and oval-shaped. The plant produces small, white or purple flowers that grow in spike like inflorescences. Holy Basil has a sweet, spicy aroma and a slightly bitter taste. Holy basil is sometimes called "hot basil" because of its peppery taste.
Holy Basil is a hardy plant that prefers warm, tropical climates. It can be grown from seeds or cuttings and requires well-drained soil and full sun. The plant requires regular watering, especially during the early stages of growth. Holy Basil can be harvested after 2-3 months and should be pruned regularly to encourage new growth.
Holy Basil has numerous health benefits due to its high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins (A, C and K), and minerals(Iron, Calcium, Zinc and Manganese). Holy basil is rich in vitamin K, a fat-soluble micronutrient that helps support heart health and bone mineralization. In fact, one-half cup of fresh leaves contains almost your full daily recommended intake of vitamin K. The nutrient is also beneficial for digestive support and brain function.
Holy basil contains bioactive compounds like eugenol, camphene, cineole, and camphor that may help to open your airways and improve breathing. These compounds may also have antimicrobial and antiviral activities that help reduce the duration of common cold and flu symptoms. An infusion of fresh flowers and leaves helps in bronchitis.
Components like ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, and eugenol, found in Holy Basil, work to reduce inflammation. Since they also have antibacterial and antioxidant properties, these compounds found in holy basil may reduce plaque buildup on your teeth and lower your risk of developing other periodontal conditions.
Helps reduce malarial symptoms by consuming leaves and seeds, with black pepper,
Known as an adaptogen herb, holy basil has several components that may help reduce mental stress that comes from physical, environmental, and emotional triggers. Holy basil may have a direct influence on cortisol hormones that regulate the body's stress response, and helps to reduce stress by reducing excess cortisol.
In both pre-clinical and clinical trials, Holy Basil demonstrated anti-diabetic, anti-microbial and cholesterol-lowering properties in animals and people, respectively.
Holy Basil is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the body. Some studies suggest that Holy Basil can help improve respiratory function by reducing inflammation of the respiratory tracts.
An ointment made from Holy Basil extract or its essential oil help cure eczema and other skin ailments. A paste of its leaves applied to the scalp rids of dandruff.
Avoid taking holy basil when pregnant or nursing.
Decreased fertility and sperm mobility - Avoid taking holy basil if trying to conceive
Avoid taking holy basil alongside blood-thinning medications.
Holy basil leaves contain mercury. When you’re chewing on the leaves, the mercury content gets released into your mouth. This can damage your teeth and cause discolouration or cause the enamel of your teeth to wear off sooner. So it is always advisable to take an infusion/tea of the leaves rather than chewing them.
Holy Basil is commonly used in Indian and Thai cuisine for its aromatic flavor and medicinal properties. The leaves of the plant can be used fresh or dried and added to curries, soups, and stews. Holy Basil can also be used to make tea, which is known for its soothing effects in cough and cold.
Holy Basil is also used in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, which can help boost the immune system and protect the body from infections. Holy Basil is also used in aromatherapy for its calming and relaxing effects.
An essential oil is made from the leaves for insect bites.
Holy Basil is a versatile herb that has numerous health benefits and culinary uses. Its unique flavor and aroma make it a popular ingredient in Indian and Thai cuisine. Holy Basil is easy to cultivate and can be grown in tropical and warm temperate climates. Its long history of use in traditional medicine and Ayurveda is a testament to its many health benefits.