The Queen of Spices.” It has a distinct floral aroma and sweet taste. It is one of the most expensive spices in the world, only surpassed by saffron and vanilla.There are two types of cardamom in Ayurveda. Green cardamom and black.
In Ayurveda, spices are classified by their qualities, tastes and the actions they have on the body and mind. Cardamom has warming and calming qualities, along with sweet and pungent tastes. Although it is considered to be tri-doshic (balancing for all doshas), those with Pitta imbalance should use it sparingly or in moderation, as it is heating.
So, what is cardamom good for? According to Ayurveda, the buildup of ama (toxins) blocks normal circulation in the body, reduces energy levels and is the main cause of illness and disease. Cardamom’s warming and detoxifying effects aid in reducing the accumulation of ama (toxins) in the body and maintaining health. In addition, it helps to reduce Kapha in the stomach and lungs (such as congestion and mucous) and pacifies Vata, which when out of balance can lead to anxiety.
Antioxidant activity
Supports respiratory health
Aids digestion
Oral health
Supports kidney and bladder health
Supports blood pressure
Supports healthy blood glucose levels
Promotes a healthy metabolism
Supports more restful sleep