7 must visit health websites for everyone:

7 must visit health websites for everyone:
From how-tos in first aid to homemade ayurvedic cures, paediatrics to mental wellness, and even an online resource that lets you manage your entire family's medical records in one secure location for easy access, here's a list of health websites every family should bookmark:
Med India
Med India is one of the most comprehensive health and medicine sites meant for lay people, with content that's presented in simple terms so that everyone can understand it.
In here, you can find medical acronyms, health calculators for diabetes, cardiac patients, heightweight tools, a section on diet and nutrition, information on diseases, first aid advice, and even a healthcare glossary .Notably , its multimedia section is packed with images, animation and videos that graphically explain medical procedures and conditions.
You might also want to check out its home remedies section that lists beauty treatments with ingredients from your kitchen - as well as cures for common ailments such as acne, acidity, headache, vertigo, blood pressure, common cold and cough. A great resource to have at hand for quick reference.
First aid for free
Timely first aid is vital and, in some cases, can even prove to be life-saving. First Aid for Free is an effort by John Furst, a medical trainer and lifeguard, to raise awareness about essential lifesaving skills. Furst offers this information through three courses - basic, online and paediatric first aid. All the courses are free and only require you to register with the website so you can save your progress. Topics include infection control, how to help an unconscious casualty , and even treating open wounds and burns. Each of these are explained with visuals and videos.
The site also has articles on how to handle falls in elderly patients, emergency childbirth, epileptic seizures; how to operate blood pressure monitors and more.
Caring for children is a full-time job. Your little one might not be able to express discomfort or your teenager will not let you know when he or she is feeling down. You have to be able to pick up these cues - whether physical or emotional - and figure out what measures need to be taken. Realistically , it is not possible to know everything, but having a valuable resource and a community at hand will make parenting less stressful.
Baby Center, for instance, is aimed at couples who are planning to have a child and women who are pregnant. It features articles written and reviewed by experienced medical experts based in India and the UK. Depending on the stage of pregnancy or how old your child is, you can dive into topics immediately: simply click on the pregnancy timeline to view the articles that are relevant to you. Baby Center is also home to information on infertility , diet and nutrition, labour, emotional health, immunizations and more. It has an active forum where you can share experiences, fears, and clear doubts with other mothers.
KidsHealth is another similar resource, which caters to parents with older children. In fact, it encourages children to read up on issues on their own. There are three sections: For Parents, Kids, and Teens, which are tailored to its reader. Parents can get advice on growth and development, infections, nutrition, school and family life, emotions and behaviour, etc. The Kids section is more visual, has quizzes and tips on how to deal with a range of emotions they will experience while at home or school, on coping in different places and meeting new people, staying safe, and more.
Similarly, Teens is about address ing issues such as self esteem, hygiene, responsibility, and substance abuse. Given that this website is run out of the US, you will find a few topics that are more applicable to an American audience, but most of the advice - on anger management, fear, separation, depression, how to deal with disagreements, etc - is very applicable to parents and children in India as well.
Home remedies - whether they were passed down from nani and dadi who knew just the right concoction to soothe a painful throat, or the kindly neighbour who came over with a homemade paste that cleared pimples - have been an integral part of the Indian household. Well, most of these cures are firmly grounded in ayurveda - a science that is usually passed down from one generation to the next by word of mouth. Now, you can also turn to Home Veda and Ayurvedic Home Remedies for these tried and tested treatments.The best part? Almost every mixture found on these sites can be formulated using items that can be bought from your local general store.
Besides first-aid and medicines, Home Veda comprises sections on food therapy , fitness and baby care. You will find diet plans and cures for every common ailment on this website, along with video presentations that teach you preparation methods. Home Veda also has video playlists curated by experts on topics such as daily personal care, organic makeup, and women's health issues.
Similarly , Ayurvedic Home Remedies hasprimers on the medicinal properties of spices and herbs, such as turmeric, shilajit, neem, cardamom, asafoetida, black pepper, etc. Here also you will find treatments for ant, dog and snake bites; cures for pains, arthritis, fever, indigestion, conjunctivitis, blood pressure, baldness, dandruff, acne and wrinkles.
Psych central
In existence since 1995, Psych Central is an independent mental health social network that's run by professionals who offer reliable information and over 200 support groups to people from around the world.
It offers advice on subjects like addictions, Alzheimer's, anxiety and panic, autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, child disorders, depression, eating disorders, grief and loss, sleep problems, OCD, schizophrenia, stress management and more. On Psych Central you can educate yourself about mental conditions, read expert blogs, follow research in the field, consult therapists, and even join a support group. It even has a free quiz section with questionnaires that are based on scientific research to help you determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with mental disorders.The results can then be used as a starting point when consulting a local physician.
Bookmark this website even if you don't think you have any need of its resources, because - as its home page says "your mental health is as important as your physical health".
Microsoft HealthVault
HealthVault is a free online service that lets you keep track of your medical records and access them from any web-enabled device. Just sign in with your Microsoft Live account, or create a fresh ID. Once you're in, you can enter data related to your cholesterol and blood glucose levels, keep a history of your allergies and medications, upload medical images, record your doctors' appointments, and post your insurance and emergency contact details. The service works with medical apps such as Fitbit, myFitnessCompanion, MHR India, GetFit RoadTrip, etc.
Additionally, MHV works with over 160 medical devices, including blood pressure monitors, pedometers, glucometers and more to gather and store valuable information.
The site lets you create profiles for all your family members under one account, and it even lets you provide ready access to your family physicians and caregivers.


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