Wrightia antidysenterica , Snowflake, Milkyway , Arctic snow,
Wrightia antidysenterica is known by many common names in different regions of the world. Its English common names are Snowflake, Milkyway and Arctic snow, referring to the white star shaped flowers of the plant. The plant is widely used as a medicinal in Ayurveda where it is known by the name kuṭaja.
The plant is a small evergreen bushy shrub that flowers almost throughout the year. It grows to a height of about 2 m.
Green leaves are ovate to elliptic in shape, are oppositely arranged, and measure about 6 cm long and 2.5 cm wide.
The lightly fragrant flowers are star shaped, have five white petals and a yellow center surrounded by white fuzzy filaments. Fruits are pod like follicles.
Besides being grown as an ornamental it is a valuable medicinal plant. The juice from the bark is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. It is used for treatment of mouth sores and a decoction of the bark is used for treatment of dysentry. The leaves are used in treating several skin disorders, such as psoriasis.
The seeds are febrifuge and used for treatment of fever, diarrhoea, dysentry and in intestinal worms.
Scientific name: Wrightia antidysenterica (The genus name commemorates the Scottish botanist and physician William Wright and the specific epithet antidysenterica refers to the plant's usefulness in treating dysentry.)
Common names: Arctic snow, Snowflake, Milkyway, Kutaja
Family: Apocynaceae
Native Distribution: Sri Lanka, India
Pictures by Jyoti Prateek (Nov 2021, Singapore)