VVCM rasa mentioned in Bhaishajyratnavali Vaatavyaadhi Rogadhikaar

VVCM rasa mentioned in Bhaishajyratnavali Vaatavyaadhi Rogadhikaar.

But there is something interesting to it.

We need to interpret this correctly..
वातरोगं पित्तकृतं निहन्ति नात्र चिंतनं! 457

In practice, I have been trying to use VVCM many many times in Vaata vyadhis like MS, paralysis, and many more. But sorry to mention, I didnt find a single case where I could say that VVCM rasa has helped the patient in his Vaata vyaadhi.

Why this is so?

The probable answer lies in the above verse. 
We need to chalk out the exact samprapti and work as Trisutra Ayurveda.
We need to fix out the hetu and apply hetu viparita chikitsa.

The Vaat vyaadhi where the hetus will be increase of Pittaj gunas for long and the syms would be of vaata vyaadhi, this medicine can be helpful.

A pittaj prakriti person, having aggresive psychic nature, on pitta vardhak ahaar vihaar develops fibromyalgia. Now all the syms of fibromyalgia would fit into Vaata Vyaadhi classification BUT simple vaat shaamak chikitsa doesnt work at all.
So we need to work with medicines like VVCM and SOOTSHEKAR rasa, which act both on Vaata and Pitta. 
पित्तकृतं वात व्याधि।

Similarly we think of the others.


वाता पित्त भवान रोगाण पृमेहां बहुमूतृतां
मुत्राघातं अपस्मारं भगन्दर गुदा आम्यम 
उन्मादं मूर्च्छा यक्ष्मानं पक्षाघातं हत एन्दृय्ं
शूल अम्लपित्तकं हन्ति भास्करं तिमिरं यथा।

This Yogendra rasa is also not very useful in Vaata prakope janya vaata vyaadhi.
*On the other hand this is most useful when the hetus of the Vaata vyaadhi are BOTH* ... *VAATA and PITTA*.

When both Vaataj and Pittaj gunas keep on increasing simultaneously (similarly as the samprapti of Aamvaata and Vaatarakt has been said in texts).

This is the concept of पुरुषं पुरुषं वीक्ष्य।

We need to check the text and add our experience to this.

Vaidya Pawan Madaan


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