let's take you to meet the ELM family - ULMACEAE
Ulmaceae is a large family of flowering plants including 40 genera and 200 species, and it is distributed worldwide, with most species found in temperate regions. Several members of the family are cultivated as ornamental plants, and some are important for their wood.
ЁЯМ▓Members of Ulmaceae are evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs with mucilaginous substances in leaf and bark tissue.
ЁЯМ▓ The leaves are usually alternate and simple, with toothed margins. They are often asymmetric and 3-veined from the base.
ЁЯМ▓The flowers are small, inconspicuous, and usually arranged in clusters or spikes. Individual flowers are generally unisexual with 4-8 free perianth lobes and a superior ovary. Flowers may be bisexual in some species.
ЁЯМ▓The fruit is an indehiscent samara, nut, or drupe, that contains a single seed.
ЁЯМ▓ Ulmaceae plants may be trees or shrubs, and they can reach heights of up to 40 meters.
ЁЯМ▓Habitat: These plants are commonly found in forests, woodlands, and along riverbanks.
Major genera included in Ulmaceae are
1. Ulmus, the elms, contains about 35 species of shade and ornamental trees. They are also valued for their timber
2. Zelkova - a Eurasian genus, planted as ornamentals or for their timber.
3. The Water elm (Planera aquatica), of southeastern North America, produces useful timber known as false sandalwood. It is the only member of its genus.
4. Thorn-elm (Hemiptelea davidii) is the sole member of its genus and is native to Asia.
5. Members of the genus Holoptelea are found in Asia and Africa and are used locally as medicinal plants. The Indian elm (Holoptelea integrifolia) is a tree commonly found in the region.
Many of the genera that were earlier listed in Ulmaceae,, like Celtis, Gironniera and Trema have now been moved to Cannabaceae .