Treatment should be chalked out based on the DOSHA, DUSHYA, HETU, SROTAS AADI
दोषदूष्यनिदानानां विपरीतं हितं ध्रुवम्|
उक्तानुक्तान् गदान् सर्वान् सम्यग्युक्तं नियच्छति||२९२||- CHARAK CHIKITSA 30
--even if many diseases ave not been described in the text, there treatment should be chalked out based on the DOSHA, DUSHYA, HETU, SROTAS AADI
--CHAKRAPANI explains the important point is to know the ANSHANSHA KALPANA. For example if the VAATA DOSHA has been increased in all its parts or characters then the selection would be TAIL and if the VAATA DOSHA has been increased due to the increase in the SHEETA GUNA then the choice should be of some VAATASHAMAK USHNA DRAVYA and not the TAIL
Vaidya Pawan Madaan