STYRACACEAE is a family of flowering plants that includes approximately 160 species. They are mostly found in tropical and subtropical regions.
In Singapore, one species of Styracaceae plant that can be found is the Styrax benzoin, also known as "benzoin tree". It is a medium-sized tree that is commonly cultivated for its resin, which is used in perfumes and incense. Some of its characteristics include:
Leaves: The leaves are simple, oval shaped, alternate, and have a smooth margin.
Flowers: The flowers are white, fragrant, and arranged in thyrsoid panicles. Funnel-shaped flowers are yellowish near the base with light pinkish white lobes (sometimes also red, yellowish or greenish). The tubular corolla divides into pointed, unequal lobes.
Fruits: They are oval or round capsules and split into 2 parts. Each capsule contains 2000-5000 brownish seeds.
Habitat: The benzoin tree is often found in lowland rainforests and other moist habitats.
In Indonesian folk medicine, pounded leaves are used in combination with other herbs to treat wounds and ulcers. The resin produced by the benzoin tree has been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, such as respiratory infections, skin disorders, and digestive issues.
The dried leaves are used to make cigarettes and cigars. Nicotine extracted from the plant are used as insecticide and insect repellent.
In Singapore, it is also commonly used in Chinese New Year decorations, as well as in religious ceremonies.