Sisira is the deep winter
Late Winter
Sisira is the deep winter that runs from mid-January to mid-March, and up until April and May in some regions. It is wet, cold, and slow. Kapha increases during this time, so you need to make more efforts to fire up the agni. While this is a pleasant time for people with kapha prakruti, this may not be such a good time for vata people. This time of the year, the moisture from your skin is driven out by the cold windy clime and body heat is high.
Diet for the Season
Here you can continue with the diet from the previous season, which has more of sweet, salty, fatty, and sour or fermented foods. Have warm spices too. Stay away from cold and astringent foods.. You can have plenty of dairy, root vegetables, beans, wheat, rice, berries and sweet fruits.