*Secret To Get Our Desires Fulfilled*
When the mind becomes empty, then any wish or desire that you have at that time instantly manifests. This is a great secret. When you finish doing the Sudarshan Kriya, then at the end your mind becomes so empty and at the same time, such happiness dawns from within.
You feel so strong and energetic. When all this happens, then any sincere wish or desire that you have starts to manifest and come true. How many of you here have had this experience that whatever you wish for starts to happen? (Many in the audience raise their hands)
When you do pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya and meditation, then any wish in your mind immediately gets fulfilled. Isn’t it so? You never have to cry or strain yourself for getting anything.
Whatever you wish for starts happening. So, do not wish for small trivial things in life. Wish for something big that will benefit everybody.
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji