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Rubus alceifolius , Giant bramble , Puruk nyingch(Nyishi)

Rubus alceifolius
Common name:- Giant bramble
Family:- Rosaceae 
Vernacular name:- Puruk nyingch(Nyishi)


          Rubus alceifolius is a shrub producing each year a cluster of arching or climbing biennial stems 5 metres or more long from a woody rootstock. New roots are formed where each of the stems arch and touch the ground, these develop into a new plant and can soon produce a dense, impassable thicket of growth. 

          The stems are usually covered with rather many stout prickles. The stems only produce leaves, and do not flower, in their first year of growth, forming flowering branches in their second year and then dying after fruiting. The fruits and young shoots are sometimes gathered from the wild for local use. The roots are medicinal.


          E. Asia - China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia & Northeastern parts of India(Arunachal Pradesh).


          Fruit are used raw to prepared Juice & to make jam etc. Young leaves can be eaten as it has no side effect.


          The roots are astringent. They are boiled and used in the treatment of dysentery. The roots and leaves are used medicinally. The plant has been used in traditional medicine in La Réunion for the treatment of fever and inflammation. Alkaloids extracted from the roots may act to protect the liver. The extracts have exhibited high activity on the breast cancer cell line.

Note:- Using of plant for medicinal purpose is not advisable unless you take advice from the expert or hv professional knowledge about it. 

😊u can use this plant as there's no toxic property in this plant.



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