Rauvolfia serpentina , Sarpgandha

Rauvolfia serpentina 
Family:- Apocynaceae
Common name:- Sarpgandha


          Rauvolfia serpentina is an erect, evergreen shrub growing up to 1 metre tall from a yellowish rootstock. The plant has been used medicinally in India for over 2,000 years, being valued especially for its sedative actions and ability to lower the blood pressure. It is commonly harvested from the wild and is also traded. It is a source of compounds that are used in the pharmaceutical industry.


          The roots are hypotensive and sedative. They are used particularly in the treatment of hypertension, where they are said to cause a lowering of the blood pressure without dangerous side effects, and are considered a specific in the treatment of insanity. They are also used in decoction to treat painful affections of the bowels and to increase uterine contractions when giving birth. The juice of the leaves is used to remove opacities of the cornea of the eyes and also to treat wounds and itches.

          The bark, leaves, and roots are used against snake and scorpion poisoning.The alkaloid-free oleoresin extract from the roots produces sedative and hypnotic effects. Reserpine, a highly active alkaloid, shows a very marked hypnotic effect and lowers blood pressure. It is used in allopathic medicine.



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