Raita for summer
raitas help in digesting the meal. raitas can be of varied types depending on the vegetable used as main ingredient. raitas are made of yogurt and Ayurveda never suggests eating a lot of raita and therefore it should be taken in small quantities.also works as a tonic. The spices and the other ingredients used in raita help yogurt to make it more easily digestible.
It works as an appetizer. It is good for people who are suffering from excessive sweating and diabetes patients who complain of dryness of mouth.It helps in eliminating toxins and keeps the stomach cool during summer.
According to Ayurveda curd.Yougart is known to cause Kapha. Kapha is the reason behind mucus generation which is predominant in the night time. So as per Ayurveda, curd.yougart should be avoided at night. ‘It doesn’t apply to everyone and people who are prone to severe cold and cough should avoid eating curd at night.’