Pyrostegia venusta
Pyrostegia venusta belongs to family Bignoniaceae.
It continues to bloom from winter to April month.
It is commonly known as flamevine or orange trumpetvine originally endemic to Brazil, but nowadays a well-known garden species.
The genus name comes from the Greek and is descriptive of the colour of the flowers (that is 'pyro' = flame so red or orange flowers and 'stege' = covering)." Orange Trumpet Creeper or Brazilian flame vine.
A vigorous evergreen climber which supports itself by means of coiled, tendrils from the apex of some of the compound leaves.
Bignonia ignea Vell.
Bignonia tecomiflora Rusby
Bignonia tubulosa Klotzsch
Bignonia venusta Ker Gawl.
Jacaranda echinata Spreng.
Pyrostegia amabilis Miers nom. inval.
Pyrostegia dichotoma Miers ex K.Schum.
Pyrostegia ignea (Vell.) C.Presl
Pyrostegia ornata Miers nom. inval.
Pyrostegia pallida Miers nom. inval.
Pyrostegia parvifolia Miers nom. inval.
Pyrostegia puberula Miers nom. inval.
Pyrostegia reticulata Miers nom. inval.
Pyrostegia tecomiflora (Rusby) K.Schum. ex Urb.
Pyrostegia tubulosa (Klotzsch) Bureau & K.Schum.
Tecoma venusta (Ker Gawl.) Lem.
Tynanthus igneus (Vell.) Barb.Rodr.
Common name: Flaming Trumpet, Golden Shower, Flame Vine, Orange Bignonia, Orange Shower; Regional name: Marathi - Sankrant Vel, Tamil - Tanga Pu.
It is mainly used as ornamental plant. But, it has medicinal properties as well.
A study on this aspect:
"In traditional Brazilian medicine, the Pyrostegia venusta are used as a general tonic as well as a treatment for diarrhea, vitiligo, cough, and common diseases of the respiratory system related to infections, such as bronchitis, flu and cold. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a hydroethanolic extract of flowers of Pyrostegia venusta on sickness behaviors induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice."
(Journal of Ethnopharmacology 28 October 2010, Vol.132(1):355–358, doi:10.1016/j.jep.2010.07.053
Ethnopharmacological communication
Pyrostegia venusta attenuate the sickness behavior induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice. Clarice C. Veloso Andressa D. BitencourtAlexandre Giusti-Paiva).
Pawan kumar Gupta