Plantago ovata, the seed husk of which is a popular laxative

 Plantain family, Plantaginaceae.It is a large, diverse family of flowering plants in the order Lamiales that includes common flowers such as snapdragon and foxglove. The most popular medicinally used plants from this family are the Plantago ovata, the seed husk of which is a popular laxative known by the name of Isabgol in Ayurveda and Bacopa monieri or Water Hyssop used as a nervine tonic and brain refresher, commonly known as Brahmi in Ayurveda.

🌷Members range
 from annual herbs to shrubs. Some are aquatic (like Bacopa sp.)
🌷Leaves are simple, without stipules, with smooth or lobed/dentate margins. They are arranged alternately, rarely opposite, and usually as a basal rosette.
🌷The inflorescence is usually a spike or sometimes a raceme or solitary flowers may be simply produced in axils of leaves. 
🌷Individual flowers are bisexual but may be unisexual in some species, radially or bilaterally symmetrical with 4 persistent sepals and 2-lipped corolla in case of bilateral symmetry. With upper lip 2 lobed and lower being 3-lobed. Stamens 2-4. Ovary is superior.
🌷Fruit is a capsule dehiscing terminally.

Members of this family found in Singapore are "
Amazon Blue or Brazilian Snapdragon (Achetaria azurea )
Summer snapdragon (Angelonia angustifolia)
Lemon Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
Smooth Water Hyssop/ Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Common Plantain (Plantago major)



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