Melastoma malabathricum , Indian rhododendron, Singapore rhododendron, senduduk

Melastoma malabathricum 
Common name:- Indian rhododendron, Singapore rhododendron, senduduk etc.
Family:- Melastomataceae 
Vernacular name:- Dai-Dasa(Nyishi)


Singapore rhododendron is a spreading, evergreen shrub or small tree usually growing up to 2.5 metres tall, but with some specimens reaching a height of 5 metres. The plant is gathered from the wild for local use as a fruits and medicine. It is locally cultivated as an ornamental in some Asian nations. It is cultivated in Malaysia in caoutchouc plantations as a cover plant.


          The plant is often used medicinally in Asia, where it is particularly valued for its astringent properties. A decoction of the leaves either alone or in combination with other plants, is used in the treatment of stomach aches, indigestion, diarrhoea dysentery, and leucorrhoea.        

          The ground up leaves are applied externally as a compress to cuts, wounds and swellings. A strong decoction of the leaves is applied painful arthritic joints, and also to weeping sores caused by stinging insect hairs in order to aid extraction of the hairs. It is also applied to other types of weeping wounds in order to disinfect them.
          A decoction of roots and leaves is given to women after childbirth. The powdered leaves and roots may be sprinkled on wounds. They are also used in an application for haemorrhoids, apparently for their astringent properties. The roots are simply sucked or may be used for making a gargle in treating toothache.

Note:- I strongly advice against eating & using as medicine of any plant without knowing anything from the expert. All I uploaded is not tested pharmaceutically.



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