Jacaranda mimosifolia of family Bignoniaceae. Commonly just called Jacaranda.
In Hindi it is called as नीली गुलमोहर or नीलकंठor simply जकरन्दा.
"The plant is gathered from the wild for local use as a medicine, fuel and source of timber. It has been introduced as an ornamental in most parts of the tropics."
"Jacaranda species have also been used traditionally to treat venereal infections, gastrointestinal disorders, leishmaniasis, colds and rheumatism."
"The timber is yellowish-white, hard, moderately heavy, fine textured, easy to work, and is used for carpentry. Wood is light brown and soft. It is used for poles and for making small items such as tool handles and carvings.
Provides a useful firewood."
Pawan kumar Gupta