Herbs that improve Mental Health
🌳मण्डूकपर्णी Mandukparni🌳
🌳English name - Indian Pennywort
🌳Other names- ब्राह्मी । सरस्वती।
🌳Latin name- Centella asiatica
🌳Family - Umbellifereae
🌳Main Use -
This herb promote Intellect and Nourishes Brain, increases Memory , improves speech..
Useful in Neurological disorders like ADHD , Epilepsy, Memory problem, speech disorder
Other uses
Skin disorders , Anaemia, Diabetes, Cough, Fever
🌳Part used - whole plant
🌳How to use and dosage
🌱 Juice 10 - 20 ml daily
🌱Important formulations- Sarswatarist, Sarswat ghrat
Dr. Garima Saini
MD Ayurveda
Associate Prof.
Place - Uttarakhand