Fagopyrum esculentum ,, Hukung/Makmi(Nyishi), Oku(Galo), Nupuk(Adi) , Buckwheat or Common buckwheat
Fagopyrum esculentum
Family:- Polygonaceae
Vernacular name:- Hukung/Makmi(Nyishi), Oku(Galo), Nupuk(Adi) etc
Common Name:- Buckwheat or Common buckwheat
Buckwheat is an erect, much-branched annual plant with hollow stems; it can grow from 60 -120cm tall. The seed of buckwheat is an important subsistence food in parts of Asia & Arunachal Pradesh, where the plant has a history of cultivation going back at least 1,000 years. The seed has gained acceptance as a healh food, whilst the plant also has edible leaves, some important traditional medicinal actions and supplies a dye.
It is widely grown on a garden scale, and also commercially on a small scale, for its edible leaves and seeds, whilst it is also commonly grown as a green manure crop and to restore worn-out soils. The leaves are sour in taste & very resemble with bamboo shoots(ekung).
Leaves are widely used as leafy vegetable in Arunachal Pradesh. The leaves are rich in rutin and so are a very healthy addition to the diet. Seeds are also use both raw or cooked. A nutty flavour, though it has a somewhat gritty texture that is not universally liked. It can be cooked like rice. The seed can be soaked overnight in warm water then sprouted for a few days and added to salads.
It can also be ground into a powder and used as a cereal, when it can be made into pancakes, noodles, breads etc or be used as a thickening agent in soups etc. It is popular for use in mixtures with wheat, barley or rye flour to improve the taste and nutritional value of bread and other foodstuffs. Up to 30% of buckwheat flour may be mixed in wheat dough for baking bread. Due to the absence of gluten, buckwheat is suitable for the diet of people with coeliac disease(that affect small intestines). Rich in vitamin B6.
The bioflavonoid rutin is obtained from all above-ground parts of the plant. Rutin has been shown to be useful in the treatment of a wide range of circulatory problems. It is a capillary tonic that strengthens the inner lining of blood vessels, dilates the blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levels, reduces capillary permeability and lowers blood pressure. In addition, it is strongly antioxidant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It has also been shown to help inhibit cancer-forming cells and protects the cells against the harmful effects of radiation.
The leaves and shoots of flowering plants are acrid, astringent and vasodilator. It is used internally in the treatment of high blood pressure, gout, varicose veins, chilblains, radiation damage etc. It is best used in conjunction with vitamin C since this aids absorption. Often combined with lime flowers (Tilia species), it is a specific treatment for haemorrhage into the retina. The leaves and flowering stems are harvested as the plant begins to flower and are dried for later use. They should be stored in the dark because the active ingredients rapidly degrade in the light. Some caution should be exercised in the use of this herb because it has been known to cause light-sensitive dermatitis.
A poultice made from the seeds has been used for restoring the flow of milk in nursing mothers. An infusion of the herb has been used in the treatment of erysipelas (an acute infectious skin disease). A homeopathic remedy has been made from the leaves. It is used in the treatment of eczema and liver disorders.
Buckwheat seed is considered to be one of the most important food allergens. It also contains compounds which can cause irritating skin disorders (‘fagopyrism’) mainly in sheep and pigs and occasionally in humans, especially in cases where there is heavy consumption and also exposure to sunlight. The side affect is locally known as Hukung Tapum ach(Nyishi).
Fagopyrism has also been observed in humans after consumption of buckwheat honey. It may also affect cattle when fed pure buckwheat silage. The plant has caused photosensitivity in some people, only the dehusked grain is considered to be safe.