Crassocephalum crepidioides , Ebolo, Thickhead, Fireweed , Okinawa Spinach , Hubook, Babook(Nyishi)

Crassocephalum crepidioides
Common name:- Ebolo, Thickhead, Fireweed or Okinawa Spinach.
Vernacular name:- Hubook, Babook(Nyishi)
Family:- Asteraceae 


          Okinawa spinach is an erect, little-branched perennial plant growing up to 1 metre tall. The plant is sometimes cultivated in the tropics for its edible leaves, which are often sold in local markets. It is notable for its good production of leaves with very little maintenance. The plant also has local medicinal uses.


          Leaves - raw or cooked. A distinctive, pine-like flavour. The leaves are fleshy, somewhat mucilaginous with a nutty flavour. The tender and succulent leaves and stems of ebolo are mucilaginous and are used as a vegetable, especially in Arunachal Pradesh.


          The leaves are used to treat indigestion. The leaf sap is given to treat upset stomach. A leaf lotion or decoction is used to treat headaches. A mixture of the leaf sap, combined with Cymbopogon_giganteus, is used orally and externally for the treatment of epilepsy. Applied externally, the leaf sap is used as a treatment for fresh wounds. The dried leaf powder is applied as a snuff to stop nose bleeding and smoked to treat sleeping sickness. Tannin found in the roots of the plant is used to treat swollen lips.



Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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