Caesalpinia lutea , Peacock flower

Flower/Plant : Caesalpinia lutea(Peacock flower)
Origin : West Indies and tropical America.

Plant Type : Fabaceae

Season : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Flowers in flushes throughout the year

About : 
Native to America and the West Indies.
- Evergreen shrub.
- Profuse and free flowering. Few shrubs put up such a vibrant display of color.
- Have plenty of color on them during late monsoon - when most other plants are green and growing.
- Tall shrub up to 2-3 m. Can be pruned and kept to 1 to 1.5 mts.
- Recommended as a single specimen plant in small gardens or as a group in large gardens.
- Flowers on long slender stems
Growing tips:
- Very quick growing.
- Grows best in full sunshine.
- Well drained and light soils are perfect.
- Should be heavily pruned in winter after flowering is finished.
- Application of manure and fertilizer at the beginning of summer and monsoon will make the plants lush and bloom even more.

Ashish Kumar Singh 


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