Caesalpinia bonduc
Caesalpinia bonduc,
commonly known as
grey nicker,
nicker bean, or
knicker nut.
हिन्दी मे कांट करंज,
लता करंज,
काकचीयो (Gujarati)
or Nickar
nuts are smooth, shiny seeds from tropical leguminous shrubs, particularly Guilandina bonduc.
"The word nicker probably derives from the Dutch word "knikker", meaning clay marble.
Family: Fabaceae: sub-family Caesalpinioideae
Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) Fleming
Caesalpinia crista auct. Amer.
Guilandina bonducella L.
"The nickernut is marble-like and good for other uses, such as for jewellery; it is also sometimes ground up to make a medicinal tea.
The 1797 Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica said that they were used only for "the making of snuff-boxes out of them"; however, there is a long tradition of using them as amulets for good luck, banishment of ill luck or to ease childbirth."
Pawan kumar Gupta