Being in a beautiful place
Jai Gurudev
As you know
Tourism industry is the biggest Industry where more people employed than any other industry. Some countries economy depends on tourism.In weekends, Vacation everyone want to be refresh, recharge. So going to beautiful places. Seeing
Beautiful seenary and become refresh and energetic and back towork this becomes a routine. But this charge is not lasting again drain our energy and we move to see another beautiful place. This continues. Being in a beautiful place cannot bring us happiness if we still keep worrying about the future. So as important as being in a beautiful place is having a beautiful mind, a mind filled with the light of awareness and the warmth of love and gratitude.
And when the mind is beautiful, then wherever you go every place is beautiful. Every time you are energetic, enthusiastic and
aware about surrounding. This
Awareness is a miracle.You work tirelessly but never feel low energy. You become aware that in this
Awareness all things happen
Spontaneously and effortlessly
I am not a doer. So all the worries of doership are gone .
You are always full of energy
Doing lots of activities still
You feel fresh as in early morning.
"Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.”
Health is Wealth and Prevention is better than cure. So everyday morning do Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam, Physical Exercises, meditation.
Sudharshana Kriya is a very powerful technique of Breathing that eliminates
Stress, Fatigue and Negative emotions such as Anger, Frustration and Depression, leaving the mind calm, focused and the body energized, completely relaxed.
Sudarshan Kriya is the unrevealed secret to health, happiness, peace and an insight of life beyond!
It’s a spiritual breakthrough giving the experience of a glimpse of infinity.
For details
Inhale Good Health, Everyday