Barringtonia racemosa , powder puff tree

Barringtonia racemosa or powder puff tree is a tree of the Lecythidaceae family.

 It is found in coastal swamp forests and on the edges of estuaries in Indian Ocean, starting at the east coast of Mozambique to Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Maldives, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, southern China, northern Australia, coastal Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands and many Polynesian islands.

The wood is utilized as firewood, and for construction. The bark provides a source of fibre.

The root of this tree has a bitter taste, and is used by Ayurveda practitioners on account of its laxative and cooling qualities. The seeds and bark are also used in native medicine; the latter is of a reddish colour, and is said to possess properties allied to the Cinchonas. 
The pulverised fruit is used as snuff, and, combined with other remedies, is applied externally in diseases of the skin. 
The powdered bark and all other parts of the plant were exploited as a fish poison, while their extracts may be used as an insecticide. The bark and roots are used as tanning agents as they contain high levels of tannin. It is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental tree along roadsides.

Grows well in slightly saline, heavy soils. It can be propagated by seed, or stem cuttings 



Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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