April is a spring month in the northern half of the world and a fall month in the southern half. It might be named after Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
Spring is one of the most pleasant times of the year when the tiny buds are beginning to sprout by the boulevards after a long and tedious winter. Now, the days promise to be longer and you get to enjoy more sunlight. Exposure to the sun also releases happy hormones like serotonin that explains the change of moods. Your strength and vitality remain moderate; kapha dosha remains vitiated, though the accumulation that happened in the previous season stands reduced; and digestive Agni is weak. This is also considered to be one of the best times to detoxify your system.
Diet for the 8 bitter, astringent and pungent which will help pacify kapha dosha. You can have garlic, ginger, wheat, barley, rice, lentil, onion, neem leaves, spices like coriander, turmeric and water with honey. But avoid foods that are heavy to digest; salty, sweet or sour; dairy; deep-fried or cold foods.