Chapter 5 - Crossing The Ocean Of Maya
Day 39
Be so centred in the action. Relax, let go of the action. When you are in conflict, any activity you do, you will be ina bigger conflict. When you have a choice in front of you and you choose one, you will always find the other side is greener.
The other choice seems much better. This thing will bother you, will not let you enjoy what you have in your hand, not let you focus on what is right now in your hand. So when you are bothered by a choice, relax. The choice is never between good and bad. There is no choice between pudding and a plate of clay.
The choice is between whether you should have pudding or apple pie. Never mind, today you have apple pie and tomorrow you have a pudding. So what? Your confusion is always about bad and worse or good and better. The conflict is because of the choice. Narada says relax.
You can have conflict throughout your life from choosing what subject you want to select in your school to what job you should do and which partner you should have as a life partner. There is ample amount of choice.
One woman came to me for blessings saying, “Gurudev, Iam going shopping today, please bless me. I always do the wrong shopping. I buy the wrong saris, the wrong garments. Then I come back home, again I have to go back. So please bless me that I make the right selection.”
Our childish mentality has not gone. Just like children you know-you take them to Toys ‘r ‘us and they don't want to go back home. Either they want to take the whole shop home or they choose one toy and then they get confused. And they end up crying in the end.
Choices are what bring conflict in your life, that enhance the conflict in life. Where there is conflict, there is no love. How can you be centred when there is conflict? And how to be centred? He says relax. One who can just let go of that.
But that doesn’t mean he does not act. In the previous sutra he said though one who is wise, who has attained knowledge, Divine love is beyond all action, he continues to engage himself in it. To maintain a discipline, maintain the shastras, the scriptures.
One still follows them, though one is above all that. One who is not concerned about the outcome of an action, one who is centred while in action, and one who reposes in the self, He goes beyond the dualities, beyond the conflicts. One who even rises beyond the vedas, beyond the knowledge, he attains the pure love.
Vedas means injunctions. “Do this, you have to do this” - laws and rules and regulations for the betterment of oneself, one’s society, one’s environment. This is one meaning of the vedas.