Chapter 1 - The Password To Divinity
Day 7
This power, this energy which is right here, right now in everything, has potential. That is ISA, that is the Divinity and what is the password for it? Leave the grip with which we are holding onto the material here.
When you are holding on to the material, it is like holding your fist - it is limited. You have to loosen it up. When you open your hand, the sky is the limit. What your mind holds onto, what it grabs is the thing that gives you pleasure or that which gives you pain. It holds both. First your mind latches on to anything in this universe that gives pleasure.
When it is latching on to a limited something the Infinite becomes obscure. Not that it is not there, but it is obscure because you are occupied. On a beautiful evening as you are watching the sky, a small dust particle comes into your eyes and that's it. It blurs the whole vision, you can't see the sky anymore.
This is what is happening when we race trying to hold on anything here not knowing that this is all permeated by Divinity. We try to hold onto things and what appears to give us pleasure, later on gives us pain. Then do the rishis mean that you drop everything and run to the Himalayas? No right.