Chapter 2 - Unveiling The Self
Day 30
There are no physical bodies for the Devas, they are only bodies of light. And (where is) the path to them, where do they establish themselves? It is in the mantras, sounds. See, it is one electricity that has become light somewhere, has become air somewhere else.
The same electricity is producing air when the fan rotates, somewhere it produces sound and their functions are all different. One electricity provides all this. If you say, "I am only going to use electricity for lighting, not for air conditioning", then you lose something somewhere and miss the point.
Similarly, there is one infinite Being, the Self, and That is what you are, but in you there are differences as well, there is diversity. Your eyes cannot be your nose and that, in turn, cannot be your ear. The eyes can only perform the function of the eyes. The nose can only do the function of nose.
There are such differences inside you. This is Sambhuti and Asambhuti. You must recognise the difference and you must recognise the unity. Whether someone pinches your cheek or pulls you ear, you do feel it. It is one person, who feels both. You can't say, "I am only my ear" or I am only my cheek". They are both you, yet they have different functions and that is what this whole universe is all about.
One consciousness creates itself into this diverse universe. It is only one thing, yet It is many. One who catches hold of many is also going into darkness, deeper darkness. That (the many) is classical chemistry. The periodic table is as important as the unification of quantum mechanics. This is the message.
You have a particular medicine for cough and you cannot take that medicine which you take when your tummy is upset. In the same way, to gain specific results, specific mantras, specific acts are used and that is the science of Vedas.