Kodaikanal Lake
Kodaikanal Lake
Did you know that Kodaikanal Lake (pictured) was developed in 1863, amid the town of the same name, by the British and early missionaries from the USA?
Kodaikanal Lake, also known as Kodai Lake, is a starshaped manmade lake of 60 acres water spread, located at a height of about 7,000 ft, in the Kodaikanal city in Dindigul district in Tamil Nadu. Sir Vere Henry Levinge, the then Collector of Madurai, was instrumental in creating the lake in 1863, amidst the Kodaikanal town which was developed by the British and early missionaries from USA. The lake is said to be Kodaikanal's most popular geographic landmark and tourist attraction.
The Tamil word 'Kodaikanal' is an amalgamation of two words: kodai and kanal. By pronouncing Kodai with the long Tamil 'o' and short 'e', Ko-dai means "the end". Kodaikanal could mean "the end of the forest" which makes poetic and geographical sense – Kodaikanal is at the crown of the Palani Hills and is effectively surrounded and protected by thick forests. Historically the town finds mention The earliest written references in Tamil Sangam literature of the early Christian era.
The watwershed of the lake is surrounded by lush green hills of the northwestern Palani Hills range. The lake was a originally a marshy land where three streams flowed. The out flow from the Lake forms the waterfall of 180 foot, called the Silver Cascade, 8 km downstream of the lake outlet
Among the flor found in the catchment of the lake, the most popolar and even reverred flora is called Kurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana), a unique flowering plant which is reported blooms once in 12 years. Other flora repored are Hill-plantain fruits and plums. In fact honouring this rare sepcies of flora, a temple called Kurinji Andavar Murugan temple has been established in the town.
The aqua fauna of the Lak is moderate to dense growth of macrophytes of all types. the dominant fish species reported in the lake are Rainbow trout and common carp.
In the past, tourism was impacted by industrial pollution resulting in the closure of a mercury factory owned by Unilever's Indian subsidiary Hindustan Unilever. Since then several efforts have been made by the Government of India and Government of Tamil nadu to restore the lake to its original unpolluted state through well planned conservation efforts.
Kodai Lake is well connected by road with regular bus services. The nearest railheads to the lake presently are the Kodai Road railway Station at 80 km and the Palani Railway station at 64 km distance, from the town.
Source: Extracts from article in Wikipedia with my inputs in October 2008.
Narasipur Char