Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine
Day 59
The scriptures which talk about love will have to be learned and heard, understood and digested. And the actions that they say there will have to be followed. Here Narada says this, because you can say that this also is a logic.
'If you say you don’t have to apply logic, that is also logic. Say, yes, yes, of course, I say no need of studying books and scriptures and this and that, but still you need something, so learn these sutras, learn this knowledge. When you are listening to it, just don’t think you have listened to it once, and finished.
These 84 sutras that he has said here, listen to them again and again, because every time you hear it, every time you practice it, it takes you deeper, it uplifts you to another level. Knowledge is structured in consciousness. And as you grow, your consciousness expands, the knowledge also changes.
You need to do all the service activity and the actions that have been prescribed in your path, that have been asked of you to do. If you have to do pranayama, continue doing pranayama. Don't think, “Oh, there is no qualification needed in order to be in love. I don’t need to do anything. Gurudev has said no need to. Why should I sit and meditate at all?” No, do it, because it will take you deeper.
There is no need to get caught up in pleasure and pain, in desires. “I want this, I want that,” these desires, pain, pleasure, this tendency of wanting to know, what will I gain no need to get caught up. Buddha was asked, “What did you gain in your Enlightenment?” He said, “Nothing. But I lost a lot of things.” “What do you gain by meditation?"
He said, “No, I lost a lot of things.” The goal is right where you are. What you want to gain is already there. Just stop, relax. Once a devotee was given a boon. A devotee was praying and God was pleased with his prayers and said, “Okay what is that you want? "He said, “God, I want plenty of land.”
God said, “Okay, do one thing. As far as you can run, that much land is all yours. How far can you run? Go that far upto that point all the land belongs to you. You can own it, you can take all the riches from the land, the goldmine and whatever is present, it is all yours.” So he ran and ran and ran and ran. But wherever he would stop, he would say, “Oh, I see more mountains there, maybe I can go up to that mountain.”
So he would run up to that. When he went there, he found other landscape even more beautiful. So, the farther he went, the farther he found it much more beautiful. Then he found the sea. He said, “This sea is So beautiful. I must have this sea because this has oil, this has pearls, fishes, this has everything. How can I refuse the sea. I need the sea also”.
So he swam across and he went round and round and round and nonstop. Finally He dropped dead in one place. Greed made him run and run and run and finally, when he came back, he just dropped dead. How much land he had wanted, just that he occupied. 6 feet 2 inches. No more. For this much land he ran all over the world, the whole time trying to possess it.