EduYouth Meet in Pune on 4th Feb - The biggest ever Educators & Youth Meet for *Human Values* & a *Drug Free India*

EduYouth Meet in Pune on 4th Feb - The biggest ever Educators & Youth Meet for *Human Values* & a *Drug Free India*

The Art Of Living in association with the Top Educational Institutions in Pune namely Pune University, DY Patil, MIT, BVP, Symbiosis, Suryadatta, MES, PES, DES, SP Mandali, COEP, MKSSS & SSU with Statutory bodies like ICCR, NRDC & NHRDN (Pune) organised the biggest *Youth Meet in the History of Nation for Human Values & Drug Free India*

✨ 1,50,000 Youths & Educators attended the EduYouth Meet for strengthening Human Values & for a Drug Free India 

✨ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar lead 150,000 to take a pledge which entered into the London, Asia & India Book of records. 

✨ 600+ colleges participated in the event 

✨ 1000+ Students Delegates (Volunteers) & their teams of hundreds uplifted the success of the event. 

✨ These student Delegates have now come together to make their colleges a "Happy Campus" (To inspire college students to undergo Sudarshan Kriya Course & Practise Meditation)

✨ 650+ Art of Living Teachers & Volunteers made the event a grand success

✨ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar received a guard of Honour from the Rani Laxmibai Girls Sainik School & A special band from the Southern Command. 

✨ The event was being honoured with the Presence of Hon. Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe President ICCR, Hon. Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan, Chairman NAAC & Hon. Shri. Chandrakant Dada Patil, along with the dignitaries of the Educational Institutions. 

✨ Hundreds of testimonials collected from the Students & Dignitaries showcased that they feel much positive & inspired for the Human Values & Drug Free India by Gurudev's presence & message in EduYouth Meet. 

The EduYouth Meet in Pune was a small step for the Student Development & Progression. *We inspire educational institutions across the nation, to come together to organise the EduYouth Meets*

In Service 
Team EduYouth, Pune


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