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Connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm

Chapter 2 - Unveiling The Self 

Day 29

Get over death through these different specific disciplines of life. If you are sick, take particular medicines or try particular mantras (Avidya) to get over that. However, that's not going to give you immortality or bliss or liberation, but it is essential. 

When someone is sick, medicine is essential but when they are healthy, then they look forward to liberation, freedom, something higher. Achieve immortality by Vidya, higher knowledge. Both have relevance. 

That's why here they (Rishis) say that the Manifest has its relevance and the Unmanifest has its own relevance. When an egg and a sperm join, they become a cell. One cell multiplies itself and becomes an embryo and that embryo when it grows bigger, knows where the eyes should develop, where the ears, where the heart should be and it is all different. 

The texture of the eye is not the same as that of the nail, that of the nails is not the same as that of hair, and that's not the same as that of the kidneys. Though it is one human body, yet each part is so different. This is what the Deva is. 

Though the Atman is one, the Devas are many. Deva means Divine energy, like in Christianity you say the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. In Islam you say Farishtay, like Gabriel. Here in India, they classify - The Paramatma and the Devata. We can get disturbed on three levels - adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adibhautik. 

Therefore, we say Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. One is physical (adibhautik), second is the metaphysical (adhidaivika) and the third is the causal, adhyatmika, on the level of the self. To bring peace to these three levels, we say Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Like in Christianity, the Father is the infinite omnipresent God, the Son is in human for and then the Holy Spirit is that energy. Now here, the Holy Spirit is not one but has diverse functions, characters, qualities and the Vedas deal with this particular aspect. Particular parts of the body are connected to a particular Deva. 

As I said earlier, the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm is established here and there are specific actions for it. Now where do the Devas live? Are they living somewhere on some other planet? No.


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