🌻Chaitra Navratri is the commencement of summer and we celebrate this nine days festival as transformation occurs in season and mother nature enjoys its abundance🌻
*This Chaitra Navratri 2023,* transform yourself towards growth and abundance with Special Program's at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru.
🔸5 Days AMP: 25 - 29 March
🔸Sanyam: 25 - 29 March
🔸Part II Program: 25 - 28 March
🔸DSN program: 23 - 26 March
🔸Sri Sri Yoga Level II: 23 - 26 March
🔸Malayalam DSN: 29 March - 1 April
🔸Part II Program: 30 March - 2 Apr
*Register at*: aolic.org/cn2023 💻
*Happy to Assist* : 📱
9036005022 / 08067262822