What Is Yoga Asana ?
I am sure you would have heard about Yoga Asana or the alternative term Yoga Poses. So, what is Yoga Asana ? Any steady and comfortable pose is called Asana. A steady pose gives concentration of the mind and the pose will become steady by thinking on the Infinite. If you have mastery over the seat, the dualities such as heat and cold and all other pairs of the opposites will not disturb you. You must gradually be able to sit on one Asana for three hours at a stretch. The ability to sit on one Asana steadily for three hours is called “Asana Jaya” or mastery over Asana.
What Is Yoga Asana ?
What Is Yoga Asana ? In Yoga, any steady and comfortable pose is called Asana
Yoga Poses For Meditation
Padmasana (lotus pose), Siddhasana (perfect pose), and Sukhasana (pleasant pose) are the three important meditative poses.
Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh and place the hands on the knees. This is Padmasana which gives mental poise. It also check the flow of blood to the extremities and sends the blood upwards to help meditation.
As for Siddhasana, you will have to place one heel at the anus and keep the other heel at the root of the generative organ. Both the ankle joints should touch each other and the hands must be placed on the knees.
Sukhasana is when a Hindu sits on the ground for taking his foods. Sukhasana is a comfortable pose with flexed knees.
Some Important Yoga Asanas And Their Benefits
1) Sirshasana (topsy-turvy pose) – increases the brain power, memory, maintains Brahmacharya, and removes all diseases. Practice of Sirshasana before meditation will remove laziness and drowsiness. Sirshasana will make you a Oordhvareta Yogi as it will convert sexual energy into Ojas or spiritual force.
2) Sarvangasana also helps in keeping up celibacy, gives longevity, provides good digestion and appetite and maintains the healthy functioning of the thyroid.
3) Paschimottanasana removes lumbago, helps the digestion, and reduces fat in the abdomen.
4) Ardha-matsyendrasana renders the spine elastic.
5) Bhujanga, Salabha, and Dhanur Asanas removes constipation.
6) Halasana removes constipation and also makes the spine elastic.
7) Vajrasana removes drowsiness and makes the spine firm and steady.
8) Mayurasana (peacock pose) helps digestion.
9) Matsyasana (fish pose) should be done after Sarvangasana.
10. Doing Savasana (the dead man pose) in the end of relaxation, meditation, or exercises as it will help in relaxing the muscles and organs.
Practice of Asana makes the mind calm and it also steadies the nerves. By doing Yoga Asanas, it will help to massage the internal organs. Asanas will also awaken the Kundalini Shakti as they have a spiritual significance.
Anyone Can Practise Yoga Asanas
1) You are advised to practice Yoga Asanas for at least 30 minutes daily in the morning.
2) You can also practice Asana in the afternoon or in the evening.
3) There are no age limit for doing Asanas. Even old persons can practise the Asanas. Children as young as five years can start learning simple Asanas as it is very good for their physical and mental growth.
4) The weak, sick, and delicate persons can do some easy Asanas while lying down in bed.
5) Ladies should not practise Asanas during their monthly menstruation periods and during pregnancy.
Some General Hints On Yoga Asanas
1) Make sure that you are practising Asanas in a well-ventilated room.
2) Do not practice Asanas when your stomach is full. One should practice them while on empty stomach. If you are going to practice Asanas after a meal, please do it 2 and a half hours to 3 hours after food.
3) You must do Asanas first and then, do Pranayama and not otherwise.
4) Be regular in your practice as this is very important, however, do not over exert yourself.
5) Answer the calls of nature and then start the practice of Asanas.
6) Drink a little milk when the practice is over.
7) Wait for one hour before taking a shower.
8) Do not wear spectacles while practising Asanas.
9) If there is pain in the leg, release the Asana, shampoo the leg and try again.
10) Keep one Asana for meditation from the three poses mentioned earlier. Find out for yourself, which suits you the best.
11) Physical exercises will draw the Prana (energy) out, while Yoga Asanas will draw the energy in.
12) Only after steadying the Asana, can you take to the practice of Pranayama and meditation. As one who has mastery over Asana will have very good meditation for a long time and this is because he can practice Pranayama easily and perfectly once there is mastery over Asana.
Sri Eswaran