Parashurama or Bhargava Rama, - Part II (a), Early life
Did you know that Parashurama, the Chiranjeevi, and a fierce warrior and a guru, during his young age told his father Jamadagni on the need to keep fit and strong with physical exercises: “ When the body becomes weak father, so will the mind. Both the mind and the soul exists within the body. So when the body is strong will not the mind and soul be even stronger" ?
Parashurama, the fifth son of Jamadagni and Renuka, who lived with his family in forest hermitage in the Narmada valley, learned and mastered all vedic shstras and science like a brahmin, did physical exercises like a kshatriya to be strong to fight,, became specialist in Dhanuvidya (archery) tught by his father, and lead a very tempestous youthfull life.
Parashurama grew up as young man with confident stride, decisiveness, courage and determination. While everdy day he along with his older siblings would go to the forest to gather offerings for the yagna and food as a normal routine, but Parashurama would invariably stay back at the Narmada river bank , do intense physical exercies to build up his body strenth, a kshatriya trait not akin to Brahanical practices. His father Jamadagni had questioned Rama on this aspect saying: "We are Brahmins who are filled with peace and always seek it. What we need is vast intelect and wisdom and not exercises. We need strenth of mind, Rama not strength of body." Parashurama had countered his father's views by stating: " When the body become weak father, so will the mind. Both the mind and the soul exists within the body, isn't it,; so only when the body' is strong will the mind and soul be even stronger".
Following the above interaction with his father, Parashurama requested his father Jamadagni, who was well versed in archery, to teach him Dhanurvedam, the warrior art of archery, as they had bows and arrows in their hermitage. Dhnurveda pertains to the details for the specific use of weapons for the four types of chaturvida meaning four strengths which denotes chariots, elephants, horses and infantry. Jamadagni then taught Dhanuvidya in great detail to Parashurama which he absorbed with dedicated interest and attention. His skill in archery was also displayed in an event when his parents standing on the river front had observed pierced elephant apples each stuck with arrows floating down the river. Jamadagni and Renuka then watched their son Rama standing in an Aleedha pose using his bow and arrow aiming at elephant apples in a tree which fell into the river and floated downstream stuck with the arrow. Jamadagni was super pleased and declared to Parsurama that he was now fully tought in his Dhaurvidya. Pleased with this certification of archery skills, Parashurama then sought the blessings of his mother and father, and also requested his father to permit him to seek the blessings of his ancestors - grand father Ruchika, great grand father Sage Aurya,, and sage Chayavan and his father sage Bhrigu.
Following his paying obeisance to his ancestors who lived in deep forests of the Narmada valley, as advised by all of them including sage Bhrigu, Parasurama moved to the Himalayas to do intense meditation seeking Lord Shiva’s favour. He did penance in the snowclad Himalayas, standing statue like in the chillly rivers in severe winter, followed by scorching buffeting heat waves of summer with out let or rest, continually for several years His intense meditation resulted in his triumphing over the arsihtadvargaa, the six passions of the mind, - Kama, Krodha (anger, lobha (greed), moha (attachment)., mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy ). He thus cleansed himself of all negative thoughts and feelings and attained stage of complete purity focusing his mind solely on Lord Shiva. All his ancesstor sages came to witness his unique uninterupted and long meditation. At this stage, a hunter appeared at the place where Bhargava Rama was doing meditation and tersely told Ram to vacate the place forthwith. The hunter was quite severe and refined in his speech and with clarity and deep and noble bearing like a cultured person berated Ram and even threatened Ram. Then, Parasurama realsied that the hunter was a great person and must be the Lord Himself who was testing him. Parashurama then accosted the hunter saying that you are a noble person in a hunter’s disguise. Then Lord Shiva revealed himself in his divine form to Parashurama. Rama then recited the Shiva stotram in praise of the lord. Following this, Lord Shiva gifted Parashurama with two divine weapons - the Shiva dhanus (bow and arrow) and the irrestible Axe called Parasu.
After Rama returned to his father's hermitage, time flew by and he became a handsome young man with dignity personyfying him. He had well-groomed stubble, chiseled shoulders and tall and muscular body . In his left hand he carried his bow and behind his right arm was his quiver of arrow. He carried his signature weapon, the axe (Parasu) in his right hand. He also surpassed his father Jamadagni in intelect and strenth.
Note: To be continued in the next episode titled " Parashurama or Bhargava Rama, - Part II (b), Early life events
Narasipur Char