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Kasthuri Manjal

Kasthuri Manjal

It is well known for its cosmetic and medical wellness.Kasthuri Manjal has been used as natural beauty product since ages.

Did you ever wonder that what in you can attract someone? What is that you need to have so that you may stand out of the crowd?

What is that one thing that can win you an opportunity? May it be a good job or a good impression or the attention of that special someone.

Well, I don’t know whether you are aware of it but yes, I am talking about that flawless skin. That skin which you cannot leave behind or change unless you put some real efforts to it.

If you have an exceptionally flawless skin, you are bound to look gorgeous, which means that you will automatically attract people towards yourself.

But in this hectic schedule, we fail to keep up with the changing climate, the pollution, and the harsh sun. Due to which we gradually lose that dream skin.

But this can be brought back. Did you ever think of how a small consistent daily act of yours can fetch you almost anything you desire? Do you want to look your best without feeling lighter in your pockets? Well, then this is the end of your quest.

Nature has always blessed us with its best. Where we lack is in our outlook. We usually tend to believe that expensive things are good for us. But this is where we are wrong.


What Is Kasthuri Manjal?
Kasthuri Manjal For Your Face
Kasthuri Manjal For Removal Of Hair
Kasthuri Manjal And Honey
Kasthuri Manjal As Face Pack
Kasthuri Manjal For Babies
Kasthuri Manjal Beauty Tips
What Is Kasthuri Manjal?

It is a member of the genus Curcuma and thus has the botanical name Curcuma aromatic.

This is a wild ginger which has rhizomes with a distinct aroma and color. Apart from its cosmetic or medical applications, kasthuri manjal can also be used as a culinary agent to add color and flavor to dishes.

The plant of this wild turmeric is also used for decorative purposes. Well, but, let us talk about how this golden spice fits to be the best remedy for many and, in fact, any of your beauty related queries. And you know what the best part is?

It will not leave back that unwanted yellow stain as in the case of Curcuma longa, which is commonly known as the regular turmeric.


Benefits Of Kasthuri Manjal
Did you know? Kasthuri manjal is an exceptionally amazing gift of nature. It possesses almost every important property that your skin demands. The list given below will give you a gist of all the goodness that this magic spice holds.

Wild turmeric or Kasthuri Manjal is an incredible anti-inflammatory agent who takes care of any inflammation of your skin which may be a result of many disturbances in nature, say pollution, the harmful rays of the sun, dust, allergies due to dirt and heat, etc.

The anti-inflammatory agents of this spice help in cutting out the inflammation by deeply reacting with the impurities that have affected your skin.

You must know that your skin is extremely delicate. It needs to be protected against all the agents out there in the nature that can lead to various skin disorders.

Healthy skin is one that can breathe freely. Open and clean skin pores are the only way your skin can feel fresh and look beautiful.

Kasthuri Manjal is known to be an amazing anti-oxidant. Antioxidants take care of your skin by protecting it against the excess production of free radicals that are caused by the unwanted calamities of nature.

These radicals can affect not just the mere look of your skin, but they also can cause deep damage to your skin cells, leading to skin aging, losing of tightened and toned skin.

Anti-neoplastic is an agent which will prevent the growth of malignant cells in your body and your skin.

Kasthuri Manjal is known to be a prodigious anti-neoplastic agent, which takes care of your skin from protecting it against the threat of cancer causing cells. Thus, wild turmeric helps your skin against cancer and is not just a cosmetic which makes your skin look beautiful.

Thus, wild turmeric helps your skin against cancer and is not just a cosmetic which makes your skin look beautiful.

The key factor that leads to an upset skin is bacteria. It can give you acne, pimples, boils, infections and unhealthy skin. The antibacterial trait of Kasthuri Manjal is a fascinating gift of nature.

It fights against the bacteria on your skin that reacts to cause unwanted ailments to your skin.

Kasthuri Manjal holds powerful skin healing properties. It can help your skin fight the harmful bacteria of the regular cuts, wounds or bruises thus helping your skin to heal as fast as possible.

Blood purifier
Kasthuri Manjal can also be taken internally. This spice is well known for its detoxification characteristics which enable to give you pure blood by flushing all the toxins out of your body.

Furthermore, it also helps your blood to boost the immunity against any foreign element. This results in giving you a vibrant and glowing skin.

Beauty Benefits Of Kasthuri Manjal

Beauty Benefits Of Kasthuri Manjal
Beauty Benefits Of Kasthuri Manjal
Kasthuri Manjal For Your Face

Now that you know what Kasthuri Manjal holds in the form of the ultimate cosmetic for your skin let us see how it is beneficial for your face. If you are a girl, then you will know how painful it is to take care of your skin.

Apart from the daily cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, you need to do a lot more to achieve that flawless, glowing skin. A single snack can also give you days of disturbed skin conditions.

The atmospheric conditions play a major role in hampering your skin. In such complications, your skin is bound to lose that luster and health automatically. But, there is still hope.

No, I am not talking about those artificial supplements or those pills that can do no good that cutting your pocket. I have always believed that nature herself is the cure for everything.

Why turn to anything artificial when you can achieve that dream skin by the gift of nature? I am talking about Kasthuri Manjal.

Kasthuri Manjal is a stunning boon to the mankind. It has many such traits that can take care of you and your dear ones if known how to be used properly.

In the field of beauty, this wild turmeric has done wonders, and I am sure it will also fetch you the desired results that you have never obtained from all those artificial fraudsters out there.

In the list given below you can see how all can this beautiful spice be helpful for your facial skin:

Against Acne And Pimples

Kasthuri Manjal possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammation properties which are proven to fight against pimple-causing bacteria. This wild turmeric can help in cleaning your pores by extracting all the impurities that your skin pores can involuntarily store.

This results in giving you an absolute smooth pimple free skin. The anti-inflammatory characteristics take care of any unwanted inflammation on your skin, thus, protects your skin against redness and allergic reactions caused by bacteria or other ailments.

Against Spots And Marks

Pimples and acne can leave back stubborn marks and spots on your skin that can take ages to fade away. Kasthuri Manjal is proven to treat such marks and lighten them.

Regular application of this herb can help your skin eliminate those marks very soon.

Against Sun Damage And Wrinkles

This wild turmeric has also been a great help in the field of skin aging. The antioxidant properties of the spice contribute to preserving your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and help your skin in rejuvenating.

This, in turn, gives you a younger looking skin and helps you against wrinkles.

Fairer Skin Tone

The effects of Kasthuri Manjal is also noted as an excellent skin tone lightening agent. You must have witnessed how brides are given a turmeric bath before their wedding, right?

This is because turmeric has been a traditional remedy for beautiful fair skin since centuries now. Kasthuri Manjal is known to fight against the dead cells of your face and clean your skin pores from deep within. This, in turn, helps your skin to breathe and gives you that healthy fairer glow.

Against Oily Skin

Have you ever noticed the accumulation of excess oil in various areas of your face? I know how dull does that look on your skin.

Excess oil secretion on various sections of your face can lead to many skin issues like acne, blackheads, skin darkening and a lot more. Kasthuri Manjal is also known to control the oil balance of your skin. Thus, it takes care of your facial skin and helps it to keep all issues away.

Kasthuri Manjal For Removal Of Hair

For men, it may not seem that big of an issue, but we women can just not stand body or facial hair. Many women have hairy skin issues.

And the main problem lies when the artificial hair removing agents play havoc to our skin. Why think of any artificial skin burning hair removal method when we have such a brilliant blessing from nature?

Since centuries, Indian women have been using Kasturi Manjal for removing all that unwanted body and facial hair. Experiences say that it can also help in total removal of the hair and can also prevent further re-growth.

Methods of usage:

Before you start using Kasthuri Manjal for hair removal, you should remember a major aspect that this is a natural hair removal therapy, and it will need your time and patience.

Cases show cent percent effective results can be obtained provided that you keep your calm and poise as there are no chemicals present in this wonder spice.

Add some Kasturi Manjal Powder with cold raw milk and make a thick paste. You may also refrigerate the mix overnight provided that the amount of the milk added is more so that the paste doesn’t cake. Apply the paste to the affected areas in the direction of the hair growth.
Let it dry for about 15 odd minutes and slowly scrub it off using mild round movements with your fingertips. You will have to use some water to soften the pack as it will become really dry by then. You may also use a wet towel for removing the dried up paste from your skin.

You may also use some unsweetened yogurt for making a thick paste along with the turmeric powder. The acid in the yogurt can be beneficial for your skin. Yogurt can moisturize your skin along with lightening your skin.
You can apply the same procedure of application and removal of the pack from your skin as mentioned in the point above.

You may take some lemon juice and almond/olive/lavender oil and add them with a spoonful of Kasthuri Manjal Powder to form a similar thick paste. The lemon juice will lighten any spots from your skin, and the oil will bring a mild overwhelming aroma along with moisturizing your skin.
You may also use fuller’s earth or gram flour along with the turmeric powder. It also will provide you successful results.
People also prefer to use the Kasthuri Manjal ginger while taking a bath. All you have to do is mildly rub the ginger on the affected areas of water moistened skin against the direction of the hair growth.
Let the turmeric stay for some time and rinse it using round movements.

If used on a regular basis, Kasthuri Manjal can give you a pure hairless skin along with a supple, spot-free and radiant skin. A daily use of at least a month will fetch you a difference. You must try this!

Kasthuri Manjal And Honey

Honey is another great possession of nature. It imparts its goodness in almost every sector of your health related issues.

Today let me tell you wholly about its skin enhancing qualities. Honey is antibacterial in nature, which makes it a powerful agent to fight against acne and pimples.

I’m sure you are well aware of how it helps in moisturizing your skin, but I’m again pretty sure many do not know about the additional goodness provided by this tasty fluid.

Apart from moisturizing your skin, honey also can help your skin against the harmful rays of the sun. Yes. This gorgeous golden fluid can help your skin build up its immunity against the harmful UV rays of the sun, thus, securing its dullness and tightening.

This, in turn, helps you have that young skin and fights the skin loosening agents. It also removes the long lost no good dead cells from your skin as it acts a mild exfoliator, thus, giving you a radiant and smooth skin. This results in keeping the skin pore healthy and open and let your skin breathe.

Honey can also help in fighting those ugly scars that you have tried to eliminate from your face since long now.

Talking on the goodness possessed by each of the above, that is – the Kasthuri Manjal and Honey, a girl can never go wrong in her beauty regime if she keeps these two handy and always remembers to pamper her skin with these extremely amazing possessions of nature.

Now, let us throw some light upon the goodness provided by this exceptional combination.

You can fight that acne you were bothered about since ages now as both of these hold antibacterial traits. These traits help your skin to kill that pimple causing bacteria and also helps in prevention of their further appearance.
Stubborn scars and marks left behind by acne and pimples can also be dealt with if this magical duo is used on a regular basis.
You may deal with skin darkening and skin aging complications if honey is used along with Kasthuri Manjal on a daily basis.
Kasthuri Manjal plus Honey is an impeccable duo which can lead you to have flawless skin. It also takes care of the excess oil secretion in your face with simultaneously nourishing your skin and keeping it supple and smooth.
Kasthuri Manjal As Face Pack

In your daily beauty regime, what you should not miss out is a face pack can do wonders if you want that flawless skin.

In today’s calendar when pollution comes handy with almost everything around us, it is extremely important that you take measures that can help you protect your skin from such unwanted harmful elements. You may check out the following list to discover what all way can you apply this daily mask as.

With Yogurt And Besan

Add some Kasthuri Manjal powder with equal amount of besan (gram flour). Besan is known for its cosmetic wellness. It helps in maintaining the accurate oil balance of your skin, takes care of sun tanned skin, is proven to give you fairer, acne free and blemish free skin and fights dark spots and marks.

The combined effect of Kasthuri Manjal and Besan can do wonders to your skin. The yogurt moistens your skin and brings out the natural glow of your skin. It also helps in keeping your skin radiant and fights dullness.

The trio is a remarkable face pack, and regular application can give you a tone lighter skin in a month.

With Lemon And Honey

Lemon consists of Vit. C. This helps in fighting dark spots and also helps to prevent their reoccurrence. Honey as already discussed is a marvel of nature.

The mix of lemon, honey, and Kasthuri Manjal can help in bringing the real beauty of your skin.

With Milk/Malai And Fuller’s Earth

Fuller’s earth and besan have the same traits. Milk/malai can give you the appropriate nourishment that your skin needs. It soothes your skin from deep within and moisturizes every pore.

Cold raw milk when mixed with fuller’s earth and Kasthuri Manjal leaves back a cooling sensation and a super soft skin.

With Masoor Dal And Rose Water

Masoor dal or pink lentil is a brilliant bleaching agent. It is mild in nature, and you can use it on every part of your skin.

Powder the lentil and mix it with Kasthuri Manjal Powder and apply it on your skin to get that perfect evening look.

With Tomato Pulp And Almond/Coconut Oil

Tomato is also a very well known bleaching agent. It is mild and effective and can also help you get rid of that sun tanned skin. Almond/coconut oil moisturizes your skin and leaves behind that lingering mesmerizing aroma.

Kasthuri Manjal For Babies

Babies have perfect skin. The softness the suppleness of their skin is what is so mesmerizing about them apart from their utter cuteness. Many babies may also have so-not-perfect skin. Some babies may be born with a dark body and facial hair.

Many babies also may lack the richness and shine which can be added along with dull skin tones and darker complexion. Their skin is so tender that no chemicals are supposed to be applied on their skin.

This is a major problem as the baby skin will readily react with the harmful agents and may lead to many fatal reactions. On the contrary, Kasthuri Manjal is a life savior when talked about.

Not only in adults, but Kasthuri Manjal can also be used in small babies for hair removal practices without harming their skin at all. Cases show that babies of a minimum of one-month-old can be treated with Kasthuri Manjal.

Mothers usually rub their delicate skin with the diluted paste of milk and Kasthuri Manjal to get rid of that unwanted body hair. Regular practices have proven that babies are left with a smooth and hairless body. To top it on the skin also becomes fairer and spot free.

To add on to it, Kasthuri Manjal baths are also very much beneficial for babies as it possesses anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and thus help the baby to prevent any skin related issues like allergies or redness.

Kasthuri Manjal Beauty Tips

Well, today you came to know so much about this magical herb called Kasthuri Manjal, right? I know you must be thinking of trying it real soon.

I would conclude by a few beauty tips related to this cosmetic spice:

You can ask for the cosmetic Kasthuri Manjal Powder in an Ayurvedic drug store rather than the conventional turmeric that is used for culinary purposes as the latter may stain your skin yellow.
Do not forget to patch test your skin before trying this incredible herb as it is not necessary that it may suit your skin type.
Regular application of Kasthuri Manjal can keep a check on the occurrence of pimples and acne. It can fetch you relief from skin inflammations and other allergies due to bacterial reactions.
Sun tanned skin can be easily treated with the sage of Kasthuri Manjal. Apply it on a regular basis immediately after sun exposure.
You may apply the paste of Kasthuri Manjal while you will not have to leave home immediately as this may leave behind a light yellow stain on your skin and may also stain your clothes.

Sri Eswaran 


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