We are in an ocean of consciousness, an ocean of life and every human body, or animal body is just like a shell floating in the ocean and expressing divinity, holding that water.
Chapter 1 - Finding Real Communication Day 2 Forgiveness can never be complete, you know. We struggle, trying to forgive someone else. Do you know why? When you say, "I forgive," you think that the person, you are saying it to, is a culprit, and when you think someone is a culprit, and then try to forgive him (or her) However you do it, a little bit of it still remains. It's not complete. But, when you see the grand picture - the big picture - you will see that the culprit is also a victim - a victim of his (or her) own mind, ignorance, unawareness, or unconsciousness. Isn't it? Don't you think so? So compassion arises from within you, when you cannot forgive someone else. There is a story about Buddha. A gentleman found out that all his sons, daughters, daughters-in-law - everybody in his family - were going to Buddha's meditation sessions. He found out that they were all sitting and meditating, and this was something he didn't like - someth...