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Showing posts from December 9, 2022

Shirodhara has so many benefits it Sharpens memory, alleviates eye disorders, improves vision, blood circulation is revved up to the brain, ageing is retarded, improves concentration,

Shirodhara has so many benefits it would be difficult to list them all here. Sharpens memory, alleviates eye disorders, improves vision, blood circulation is revved up to the brain, ageing is retarded, improves concentration, and of course makes you sleep like a baby.   Don't wait. Book your bliss today. 📞7218681000  🌺 Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma  Bringing balance to your life"

God Loves Fun

Chapter 1 - God Loves Fun Day 1  When we realize the futility of words, then we should know that our life is going deeper. We have started living. We live in words from morning till night. Everything should make sense to us.  Everything should be purposeful. In this run of searching for purpose and purposefulness, we lose all purpose. It is like the carrot and the rabbit. It is right there, still it is not there. It goes to such an extent that we don't even have a sound sleep. Even at night we are bothered by words. Many people speak while sleeping. There does not seem to be a rest from words.  Words are the root cause of worries. You can't have a worry without words, can you? Now, worry for ten minutes, but don't use a single word. You cannot. We get caught up in words.  Our friendship is based on words. Someone says, "Oh, you are so wonderful, you are beautiful, you are so kind-hearted. I have never seen a person like you in my life. I have been looking...

The intelligent one probes beyond the appearance to see the Existence which is unison.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                 Chapter 4         Beyond the layers of existence      🌻 Day 32 🌻 We are all a combination of form and formless. Our body is form, the mind is formless. Similarly, the universe is form, Divinity is formless. Energy has no form but matter has form. The entire universe is a perfect combination of form and formless. You must have heard about the new theory of dark matter and dark energy. What physics says is that the space between the objects in the universe is much more powerful than the objects themselves. The space in between two objects is thick, is a substance as well. If the sun is round, it is because the space around it is full of energy that makes the sun round. Have you seen bubbles in the water? Why is the bubble round? Because there is water pressure around it and that makes a bubble round inside the water. Similarly, all the planets, all this celestial substances ...

If the Self chooses, if you are utterly, totally open. Craving realisation, craving liberation is the last impediment for self- realization

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                 Chapter 3                The grace of the diivine      🌻Day 31 🌻 नायमात्मा प्रवचनेन लभयो  न मेधया न बहुना श्रुतेन । यमेवैष वृणुते तेन लभ्यः  तस्यैष आत्मा विवृणुते तनूँ स्वाम् ॥ The Self cannot be known through the study of scriptures nor through the intellect nor through learned discourses. It can be attained only by those whom the Self chooses. Verity unto them, the Self reveals himself! Relax! It is a futile exercise. Forget about it. This is the last straw of the ego because the ego wants to do something, acquire it, grab it. Now when it is said “No, you can’t,” the last hope is ditched. This is so amazingly beautiful. You are first kindled and coaxed to have interest in it. You would have been immersed in name and form in life. “Oh! Leave all this. You have to look something great – Self, self-realisation. Go for it.” Then you ...

When the wise realise the Self, Formless in the midst of form, Changeless in the midst of change, Omnipresent and Supreme, they go beyond sorrow.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                Chapter 3             The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 30 🌻 अशरीरँ शरीरेष्वनवस्थेष्ववस्थितम् । महान्तं विभुमात्मानं मत्वा धीरो न शोचति ॥ When the wise realise the Self, Formless in the midst of form, Changeless in the midst of change, Omnipresent and Supreme, they go beyond sorrow. If you really dislike somebody, hate somebody; just imagine them in your mind without the head. This is one of the tantric techniques. When somebody has great animosity, hatred against somebody, what do they want to do? They just want to take the sword and chop their head off. Instead of physically doing that, just imagine that his head is chopped off. This is a human tendency from ages. What did they do in the middle ages? Anybody they didn’t like, they chopped their head off. In the tantric technique, imagine that the person who is bothering you has had his head chopped ...

The glory of the self is seen by the grace of the Divine, not by your effort

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷               Chapter no 3       The grace of the divine      🌻 Day 29 🌻 कष्तस्य सुकस्य न कोऽपि धात् I heard this from elderly people. I spent my young days with older people. All my other friends would wonder why I go and sit with elderly people. They wouldn’t understand; they would make fun of me. Nobody gives you happiness and sorrow. Sorrow is a making of your own mind and when you go beyond sorrow and then the joy that comes out of you is your true nature! Nobody is giving you joy. When you are in touch with your Being, you are joyful. Why are you happy when you are in touch with the Guru? Guru and Self have same vibrations. Your innermost and the teacher have the same frequency. That is why you feel comfortable with the Guru, because you feel comfortable with the Self.  Why does Guru give joy? Your self is joy. When you are with the Guru, your mind opens, your ego opens; it ca...

Weakness of heart, weak emotions. Come on, wake up, drop this

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                  Chapter 3               The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 28 🌻 At the end of 700 shlokas, Lord Krishna says, सर्व धर्मान् परित्यज्  Leave all Dharma to take refuge in Me. Have confidence in Me, and leave it. Arjuna was so righteous, he said, “Krishna, why are you telling me to fight this war. Do you have any sense?” Such was his tone. “What are you telling? I don’t agree with what you say. What you are saying is against dharma.” Krishna smiled and said, “You talk like a great knowledgeable pundit, but you are so foolish. You are crying. You are on an emotional roller coaster.” त्यक्तवा ह्रदया दौर्बल्यम् ह्रदया दौर्बल्यम् – weakness of heart, weak emotions. Come on, wake up, drop this. Then Krishna told him the Gita. Finally, he said, “Drop the dharma and take refuge in Me!” Rights and wrongs keep our mind in the gross, in the nam...

My Mum suffers from old age and amnesia. Since it was difficult to manage her at home

My Mum suffers from old age and amnesia. Since it was difficult to manage her at home in a small house along with my daughter who is in college and I being a working woman, we had to confine Mum in a Private Clinic. Each day even without a mind, she would say “Jai Guru Deva’ and we always had pictures of Guruji beneath her pillow. We love her and love her more cause there was a guilt of ‘abandoning’.   We used to go to her every day yet the vacuum of not having her with us was a load. Last week her health again had signs of concern. But she comes out of it as easily. However, last Monday on 17th Sept, I wrote to Guruji – stating Mum again not well and I surrender myself to you as I do not know what to ask – Just don’t make her suffer. Evening I was with Mum, and my dear friend-cum-Teacher Charu called me. She was returning from an Advanced Course. After chatting generally, she asked about mum. I told her again the same problem. She told me “Dont worry, leave it to HIM. Remember ...

Give prime time to the Divine. You definitely will be rewarded.

Question - Gurudev, I have heard many spiritual masters including you, saying that time is very limited for humans on this planet and it's important to spend quality time for the Divine (Sadhana, Seva & Satsang) along with our busy daily schedule. Can you please explain what is the reason behind you saying this always? Gurudev Sri Sri - On an average, a person lives for 80 years. We spend 30 years sleeping, and almost the same amount of time we spend working and in transport. About 10 years are spent on eating and 5 years in the bathroom! How much time is left for giving love and smiling? Just a few years. In our entire life, this is the time that we really live. Again and again, we must ask ourselves : what do we really want in life? Do we want only food, money and success? Who are we? Where did we come from? What is the meaning of life? When such questions arise, it means that the time has arrived. One is no longer satisfied with the superficial and starts seeking...

Just as sapling needs water to blossom fully, young children need 'Sanskars' for nurturing Human Values

Just as sapling needs water to blossom fully, young children need 'Sanskars' for nurturing Human Values 🌟 . ART OF LIVING'S . 🧑‍🎄 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 🧑‍🎄 . *ONLINE* 🤩 *SRI SRI SANSKAR KENDRA*🤩                SSSK Sessions re introduces children to their roots using the  play-way method of learning 🥳 🌈 Age Group : 6 to 10 Years 🌈 Teachers :  Kavita Bhatia & CA Ishan Gera  🌈 Program Content : 🕉️ Shloka & Mantra chanting 📢 Inspirational stories 🥅 Creative games 😃 Secrets of our Indian tradition 👵🏼 Dadi maa ke nuskhe - Home remedies from our tradition And much more! 🥳  🌈 Benefits : 🧠 Improves concentration and memory power 👨‍👩‍👦 Inculcate moral values & Indian tradition 📚 Tips and techniques for online studies 🙋🏻‍♀️ Brings a sense of responsibility & sincerity  🌈 Dates : 16th to 23rd December  (8 Sessions Total) 🌈 Time : Evening 8 PM to 9 PM...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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