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Showing posts from December 6, 2022

Abhyanga alms the nerves. Keeps stamina & alertness levels revved up. Boosts blood circulation & stimulates internal organs. Detoxes & helps with weight management

Abhyanga is one of the best therapies you can indulge in during the winter months.  Abhyanga alms the nerves. Keeps stamina & alertness levels revved up. Boosts blood circulation & stimulates internal organs. Detoxes & helps with weight management. Encourages sound sleep. With so many benefits to its credit, don't you think you should get an Abhyanga abhi? Book your session right away!  📞7218681000 🌺 Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma  Bringing balance to your life

Ayurvedic head massage applied with deft hands boosts blood circulation, induces relaxation and promotes deep sleep.

A nice, Ayurvedic head massage applied with deft hands boosts blood circulation, induces relaxation and promotes deep sleep.   Also nourishes cerebral arteries. Can help stimulate hair growth. Improve concentration. Relieve stress, insomnia, depression, migraine pain. Try one soon, you’ll love it! 📞7218681000 🌺 Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma  Bringing balance to your life

Cumin is a great assimilator. Aids nutrient absorption. Enhances the digestive system and metabolism

Cumin is a great assimilator. Aids nutrient absorption. Enhances the digestive system and metabolism . Is a rich source of iron, calcium and magnesium. Great to add to all your recipes. 🌺 Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma  Bringing balance to your life

Artho Fix Juice for all your joint , inflammation , nervous system , body aches etc*_

*Artho Fix Juice for all your joint , inflammation , nervous system , body aches etc*_

ABC is a healthy juice which harpens memory. Strengthens eye muscles. Boosts immunity. Prevents bad breath and constipation.

ABC is a healthy juice which harpens memory. Strengthens eye muscles. Boosts immunity. Prevents bad breath and constipation.   Is good for throat infections. Detoxes. Assists with weight loss. Eases menstrual cramps. And last but not the least, makes your skin glow! Luckily this juice is delicious too! So tank up on your ABC and see what a difference it makes. 🌺 Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma  Bringing balance to your life

Lord Krishna said in the Gita, “Among millions of people, only a few will walk on the spiritual path. Among those who walk, only a few will know me.”

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                Chapter 3        The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 17 🌻 श्रवणयापि बहुभिर्यो न लभ्यः श्रृण्वन्तोऽपि बहवो यं न विद्युः । आश्र्चर्यो वक्ता कुशलोऽस्य लब्धा आश्र्चर्यो ज्ञाता कुशलानुशिष्टः ॥ Just wake up and see there are millions of people even in this city. Among those millions, only a few get a chance to hear about this. A few walk on the spiritual path. Among the few who hear, only a few really grasp. It is a wonder how some people can speak about it with skill. It is such an abstract thing; some skill is needed to talk about it. And that’s wonder how some people are able to express it. It’s a skill and it is even a greater wonder – how some people are skilfully able to imbibe it! Lord Krishna said in the Gita, “Among millions of people, only a few will walk on the spiritual path. Among those who walk, only a few will know me.” Few are those who really reach th...

One who goes for liberation, pleasure also comes to him. One who goes only for pleasure, only misery comes to him.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                   Chapter 3                The grace of the divine         🌻 Day 16 🌻 स त्वं प्रियान्प्रियरूपांश्च कामान् अभिध्यायन्नचिकेतोऽत्यस्त्राक्षीः । नैतां सृङ्कां वित्तमयीमवाप्तो यस्यां मज्जन्ति बहवो मनुष्याः ॥ दूरमेते विपरीते विषूची अविद्या या च विद्येति ज्ञाता । विद्याभीप्सिनं नचिकेतसं मन्ये न त्वा कामा बहवोऽलोलुपन्त ॥ “You have chosen liberation when pleasure was offered to you. They both have got different uses. One who goes for liberation, pleasure also comes to him. One who goes only for pleasure, only misery comes to him. Not only does he get misery, he is deprived of the highest! You have chosen the path of liberation, so you will get all other pleasures as well. They follow you.” What is certain is that the one who chooses this path of knowledge is lucky in the sense he gets both. But if you have chosen only pleasure, yo...

Renunciation out of frustration, out of misery, out of pain is no renunciation at all.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷              Chapter 3              The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 15 🌻 There are four types of cravings, eshanas.         Putreshana – “My son, my daughter, my children.” Vitteshana – “Money, money, money...” Money reigns, there is nothing else. Lokeshana – Repuation, “Oh! What will people think about me? Everybody thinks I am bad” or “Everyone thinks that I am the greatest person and I have to maintain that.” This craving for attention from people, for reputation, for fame, for recognition, is called Lokeshana.   Jeeveshana – I should live forever. These four eshanas are like a wall between you and yourself, your true being. The Lord of Death tempted Nachiketa by saying, “I will give you lot of money and fame; you can be a king forever,” to see whether this boy was able to cross these eshanas and really wanted to know the secret of d...

Where is the mind tempted? What is it blocks you from knowing your self which is bliss, which is eternal?

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                Chapter 3        The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 14 🌻 In the Shanti Mantra, why would the Master say, “Lets us not hate each other”? He should have said, “You should not hate anybody.” मा विद्विषावहै – Let us not hate each other. Why does he say that? Does the Master have any hatred? No. Then why does he say that? The teacher understands how the mind works. The mind always projects what it has within. A student has imperfection within and he sees imperfection everywhere around him. When someone says, “Only you are perfect”, he is not ready to listen. He says, “No, I am not perfect, everything else is.” The Master has to get to a compromise, “Ok, let us not do this discussion.” It is amazing how the ancient Rishis were masters of psychology. They knew how the mind works. What is outside is only our own projection. Some devotee, in one of the satsangs, asked me...

Is communication possible with someone after their death?

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷               Chapter 2                Beyond death       🌻 Day 13 🌻 Question: Is communication possible with someone after their death? Sri Sri: In death, only the physical body gets separated from the subtle body and casual body. Subtle body is where all impressions are. Definitely there is communication form the other side. Communication in the sense, there is a witness from there. Like you are on the hot air balloon and you can see everything happening down. You can’t do anything about the traffic. You can see there is a traffic jam, but you are in the hot balloon and you keep moving. Question: Is there any way that we can help people in coma? Sri Sri: Coma is a state where you lose three senses, but mentally there is alertness. You still hold on to the sense of sight and sound. And you have not left the body; you stay in that state of limbo for a long ...

When people are in coma, they are still listening, but they can’t act. Sense of action is completely frozen.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                Chapter 2          Beyond death       🌻 Day 12 🌻 यस्मिन्निदं विचिकित्सन्ति मृत्यो  यत्साम्पराये महति ब्रूहि नस्तत् । योऽयं वरो गूढमनुप्रविष्टो नान्यं तस्मान्नचिकेता वृणीते ॥ Nachiketa said, “I won’t go for anything less than this. It is a rare opportunity that I have come face to face with you. Now, please teach me.” What happens just before death – sense of touch, taste and smell, these three things go away. The mind has shrunk already. It carries along with it two senses which are still active – sound and sight. When people are in coma, they are still listening, but they can’t act. Sense of action is completely frozen. Body is frozen, but you can hear what people are saying. They want to respond, but they can’t respond. Have you had the experience when you are in deep sleep and someone is asking something or calling you, and you are saying, “Aah, ooh”...

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