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Showing posts from December 2, 2022

The finite body is wedded to the infinite Consciousness. The finite mind is wedded to the infinite self.

*Chapter 10 - Shiva, The Fourth State Of Consciousness* *Day 52* The 18th chapters of Srimad Bhagavatam has thousands of verses, and there is not one mention of Radha. Radha is just Krishna's power, the longing. Krishna is the fullness, so Radha is longing for the fullness.  Radha was there to indicate that the devotee and the Lord both enjoy equal status. "Dhara" means flowing outward. "Radha" means the stream which is going back to the source - the mind that is moving outside is diving back to the source.  Radha met Krishna, that is the self, the soul, the spirit, is what "Radha Kalyanam" is. Today what you see in many temples is an entirely distorted concept. But children enjoy because they get all different types of sweets in the celebration.  People mainly get ready and go to eat. They think Radha and Krishna are getting married, so they make lots of stuff and eat. But there is no spiritual significance in it. You are wedded to the inf...

Studying all this and doing all this, you get established. And what is your only desire? To be in heaven, to be in the state of joy and happiness. That happiness is guaranteed to you.

*Chapter 10 - Shiva, The Fourth State Of Consciousness* *Day 51* Studying all this and doing all this, you get established. And what is your only desire? To be in heaven, to be in the state of joy and happiness. That happiness is guaranteed to you.  Anything you do, you do it with only one motivation, that is happiness. You are gaining knowledge to gain happiness. Entertainment, comfort, wealth, sports are all for happiness.  Health, why you want health?  You want to be happy. If I am sick, I am not happy. You look at anything, your relationships, prayer, progeny, home, everything is for happiness. Why do you want to pray?  For happiness. So, everything is geared to be happy. And the teacher says that the happiness is guaranteed to you. This is Upanishad. That is why you come, sit and go inward.  Upanishad doesn't say "this" (is it). If someone is doing upasana, saying this (is it), that is not Upanisad. Then why we keep so many idols and pictures in...

With globalization, we have globalized disease as well. With globalizing disease, we have to globalize herbs as well.

*Chapter 10 - Shiva, The Fourth State Of Consciousness* *Day 50* It means the light is shining for you. You don't have to do anything. The Rishi says - this to the one who has tapas, little bit of forbearance, a say over senses and who is engaged in some good action in the world, not to the lazy one. You can realise you are not doing anything when you are doing something. Someone who doesn't do anything cannot say that everything is happening, but if you are doing then you know, "No, its not because I did something that it happened. Things are happening anyway." Vedah sarvangini, all the Vedas, the knowledge is the body, is the limbs. What you speak become knowledge. You don't understand too many scriptures. I haven't studied much at all.  This is the first time I am taking this Upanishad, and I have never studied this Upanishad before. I hear one or two shlokas and I go into meditation. So I'm not a good reader. I don't read books. If I do...

You are the Brahman, you are part of that infinity and you are that. Then why would you be cunning if everything is a part of you? You are not cunning to a part of your own body.

*Chapter 10 - Shiva, The Fourth State Of Consciousness* *Day 49* Now that you have heard the Upanishad, you have to dwell on it, 'manana' and make it your own. This is the home of Truth and you will realize that you are living in it. You need to lead your life with this awareness.  Tapas, forbearance, Dama, your ability to withdraw from senses and go inward. You are not carried away by the senses, but you are behind senses, you have your mastery over them, or it's virtues, it's glory.  This happens naturally, a glimpse of the infinity gives you enormous inner strength and a say over your senses. You dont say, "Oh, I am helpless," and go into a sort of helpless mood.  You wake up and see, "Oh ,this is the abode of truth." A glimpse of Brahman makes you a beautiful human being. It doesn't make you cunning, narrow minded, calculating person, but one who is confident.  Someone is cunning because they are not aware of their power. When the...

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