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Showing posts from October 19, 2022

That's why in Sanskrit there is a word called patrata, your capability to receive and hold the knowledge, it has to be there.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension* *Day 21* One who says he doesn't know, he knows it, and one who says he knows it, doesn't know. One who knows also doesn't know. One who doesn't know also knows. That completes the confusion.  Divinity is not alien to anybody. It is not the proprietary of some special people on planet. It is part of the entire existence. Everything is in it, everything is of it.  That is why everybody at some level knows it. It is there, and that is what is the basis of whole creation. So even those who think they don't know at some level somewhere deep inside they have some idea.  Those who ascertain I know it well, somewhere they miss it. They also may not know how this universe consciousness is functioning in its totality. So here ignorance and knowledge are not poles apart, they are somewhere mixed up, they are there together.  It is not black and white. It is everything together. Now this is the blast for the intellect. Often peopl...

In the mind we think we don't know what our body needs, but our subconscious mind knows what our body needs. We don't listen to ourselves, we don't listen to our body, we don't listen to what our subconscious mind is telling us.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension* *Day 20* That which is beyond the intellect, beyond the identity, that is worth knowing. That is Brahman. Upanishad emphasises that there is no other way, you have to know that.  It's easy to say I know it. It is easy to say I don't know. If you say I don't know, then also you are not truthful. One who knows like that, he really knows. Are you not confused? It's not straight mathematics.  If you are not confused, you will get confused in the next few hours. The jobs of Rishis is not to convey, but just to thoroughly confuse. If you think you know it, you don't know it.  If you think you don't know it that's not correct. You know it. The Consciousness is such that deep inside there is something that knows it. In our conscious mind, we think we don't know, but our subconscious mind knows it.  In the mind we think we don't know what our body needs, but our subconscious mind knows what our body needs. We don...

When you go beyond the "I", the self identity, then you find everybody's experience is your experience. That is the being, that is self, that is the spirit.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension*  *Day 19* Sense objects are the external most. On the inward journey, from the sense objects, the first step is to become aware of the senses. Usually we are lost in the sense objects. This is our experience. When the mind experiences a sight, you are merged with the sight.  You are watching a movie and there is tragedy in the movie and you are crying as though you have become a part of that movie.  Everybody goes through this. This is spending your energy. Now, the mind, when it has to retrieve itself back it has to take a step backward from the scenery to the senses.  When you are lost that's why people ask you, "Are you in your senses"? It means are you in the scenery or you have you become aware of your senses.  It's only when you are with your senses that your intellect is active and alive. Consciousness has four inner functions : one functions as intellect second is the mind, third is memory and the fourth is ...

You are just fooling yourself. It's only to please yourself that you do puja, not to please God. Upanishad clearly says those who think this is God and they are doing worship and practices. It is the prana of the prana. So, go within and look inside, that is important.

*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality* *Day 17* People think this is God or this is Brahman, they are incorrect. It is that which cannot be reached through words. You say "Conversation with God".  How can you converse with God tell me? It's your own mind talking to yourself. You say "I am talking to God", or "Oh God told me this". Upanishad says it's rubbish.  It is that which cannot be expressed or reached through words, or words cannot reach it because of which words are getting expressed, that is Brahman, Divinity.  It is the Consciousness. Do you know how the words come and how speech gets generated? When the Consciousness is uniting itself with the intellect and the mind. A part of the mind generates energy in the body, that energy moves as wind through the voice box and a sound gets generated.  Consciousness the self in conjunction with the intellect and mind generates energy in the body, which moves through the wind pipe, through...

Put your attention on your breath now. It is moving in which nostril? Where the breath is flowing and are you breathing in or breathing out, you know.

*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality*  *Day 16* It is different from that which is known and it is also different from that which is not known. This is even more interesting. When you know this is empty, then you know that it is empty, correct?  If I say I dont know driving that means I know I dont know driving. So, what you know, you know and what you dont know that also you know. You know very well that you dont know. It is different from that which you know and it is different from that which you dont know also. The ancient Gurus have explained to us like this, "We have heard from our ancient teachers from our tradition, it is different from that which you know, and it is different from that which you dont know also."  Now this is creating even more mystery. It is easy to believe someone who says I dont know, and easy to believe someone who says I know, but what takes you on a leap into the unknown is someone who says, "I don’t know".  Yet knows and ...

How many both? While breathing in you cannot test. You can only test when you are breathing out. Breathe out and you see. With every action your breath changes.

*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality* *Day 14* It is the breath of the breath, the prana of the prana, the life of the life force, the real life of the life force. Now check how many left? (Laughter) How many right?  How many both? While breathing in you cannot test. You can only test when you are breathing out. Breathe out and you see. With every action your breath changes.  When tendencies come for certain actions, only that prana is functioning for that time. So, when the left nostril is functioning, it is a good time to drink.  If the right nostril is functioning, it is time to eat. If you do the reverse, within six months time you may fall sick, this is the scripture. It is practical also, as the metabolism of your body is twice when you are breathing through the right, it is half when the left nostril is functioning.  So, you should not eat and drink the same time. Ayurveda says when you drink, you should not eat. When you eat, you should leave a g...

The first is by your own true nature and another by your environment, the people whom you are with, you know.

Our innermost nature is dharma and sangha is our association, our environment.So events and attitude are influenced by only two things.         The first is by your own true nature and another by your environment, the people whom you are with, you know.         In a group if someone says, ‘Come lets go and have a drink,’ we will say, ‘Ok, lets all go.’ We will go.In a group if someone starts talking negatively, slowly another person will join a little later, then the third and the fourth. Soon you’ll find that everybody starts talking negatively – this is the influence of the group. - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

A child is influenced upto 25 percent by the environment, by the friends in the environment and the school they grow up in. Another 25 percent is from the parents’ genes and tendencies.

A child is influenced upto 25 percent by the environment, by the friends in the environment and the school they grow up in. Another 25 percent is from the parents’ genes and tendencies. The next 25 percent is their own originality, their karmas, their samskaras, the impression that they come into this world with. The remaining 25 percent is through their own self-effort and their understanding.           So parents have got only one-forth influence on their children. Only one forth.          Similarly, our sangha which means our association has an influence on us. - Gurudev Sri Sri..

If one is on the path for several years, and then suddenly a doubt comes about something after a long time, and the path does not appear very charming anymore, what should one do then?

Question - Gurudev, if one is on the path for several years, and then suddenly a doubt comes about something after a long time, and the path does not appear very charming anymore, what should one do then? Gurudev Sri Sri - That is the time when you need to hold on to your faith. Moments of doubt are like clouds. The clouds do come, but they come and disappear. If you do not cooperate or engage with them, they will simply come and go. If you shake hands with them and flow with them, then it will take a longer time to overcome them. Truth will always stand out and win in the end. Doubts may come, and this is quite possible because of the company that we keep. Someone may tell you, 'Oh, you know, so-and-so person does so much meditation, still he became sick', etc. What do they mean? They think that if someone who is doing Yoga and meditation fell sick, then what is the point of you doing all that? It is not because of meditation that the person became sick. He must ha...

Is having two relationships wrong? Is it necessary to get physical in a relationship?

Question - Gurudev, is having two relationships wrong? Is it necessary to get physical in a relationship? Gurudev Sri Sri - Listen, would you like your spouse, or boyfriend, or girlfriend to have two relationships? First you answer that. What you are doing, would you like someone else to do the same thing to you? Can you accept it? Your mind will say no, right? It is better to be loyal in one relationship. It is no good to hurt two people at the same time.

I have heard many spiritual masters including you, saying that time is very limited for humans on this planet and it's important to spend quality time for the Divine (Sadhana, Seva & Satsang) along with our busy daily schedule. Can you please explain what is the reason behind you saying this always?

Question - Gurudev, I have heard many spiritual masters including you, saying that time is very limited for humans on this planet and it's important to spend quality time for the Divine (Sadhana, Seva & Satsang) along with our busy daily schedule. Can you please explain what is the reason behind you saying this always? Gurudev Sri Sri - On an average, a person lives for 80 years. We spend 30 years sleeping, and almost the same amount of time we spend working and in transport. About 10 years are spent on eating and 5 years in the bathroom! How much time is left for giving love and smiling? Just a few years. In our entire life, this is the time that we really live. Again and again, we must ask ourselves : what do we really want in life? Do we want only food, money and success? Who are we? Where did we come from? What is the meaning of life? When such questions arise, it means that the time has arrived. One is no longer satisfied with the superficial and starts seeking...

Can you please tell us about the three stages in spiritual practice?

Question - Gurudev, can you please tell us about the three stages in spiritual practice? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, there are three stages in practice : The first level, Anva Upaya, which includes pranayama, meditation, mantra chanting, exercises, and yoga. The second level, Shakta Upaya. This is much more subtle, it is the stillness that you experience at the end of doing all these exercises, it is more internal. There is very little that you do, in fact everything is happening. There is no doer there, nobody doing anything, yet, it is happening, you feel that Shakta Upaya, it is very subtle. The third level, Shambava Upaya is a step beyond the Shakta Upaya, just recognition, just awareness. It suddenly dawns, you have no clue, you have no say in it, you can’t do anything about it. You are walking, watching a sun set, suddenly, something happens, something opens up. You meet someone, suddenly, you feel some sense of elevation, joy. Whether you are meditating, sleeping, or doin...

The Master told him, ‘Me and you? Two? Come on, wake up. There is only One Brahman.’ When you realize this, misery vanishes from life.

Once upon a time, a Guru was giving darshan to a congregation. People were coming and bowing down, seeking blessings. Gurudev was silent most of the time and when somebody would come and share their troubles, looking for a response, he would say only one thing – “You are very lucky”. One person came to him and said, “I failed in my exam.” Gurudev said, “Well, you are very lucky.” Another came and said, “My wife has left me.” “You are very lucky.” No matter what problems people shared – “None of my friends are talking to me” or “I lost my job”, Gurudev kept telling them that they were very lucky. Even though it was the same response, strangely, those people would walk away happily, as though they received the right advice for their situation. After a while, one person came forward and shared, “Gurudev, I feel very lucky and I am so grateful that I have you in my life.” When Gurudev heard this, he got annoyed and gave this person a tight slap. Even more strangely, this man, w...

If everything is just a play in this life, then what is the need of accumulating the knowledge?

Question - Gurudev, if everything is just a play in this life, then what is the need of accumulating the knowledge? Gurudev Sri Sri - Everything is a play, if you understand just this, there is no need of any other knowledge.

What is the place of Dharma in politics and governance? What is meant by Rajdharma?

Question - Gurudev, what is the place of Dharma in politics and governance? What is meant by Rajdharma? Gurudev Sri Sri - Dharma has a great place and role in politics. People in power should run the government and the affairs of the society in a righteous way. It is the duty of the King to uphold and sustain Dharma (morality and human virtues) in the society in every possible way. This is what Rajdharma is - to always uphold and sustain Dharma, and to eliminate Adharma (immorality and negativity) in society. And to ensure righteous and holistic progress in society - this is the foremost duty of the King. It is said, 'Dharma rakshati rakshitaha'. It means that Dharma upholds and protects those who abide by and uphold Dharma itself. So the duty of a King also is to protect and uphold Dharma at all times. Dharma does not mean any particular community or section of society. Dharma means that which gives joy and peace in this world, and liberates you in the other world....

What is the definition of love?

Question - Gurudev, what is the definition of love? Gurudev Sri Sri - It is very simple. That which cannot be defined is love. If you have never experienced love, there is no chance that you will experience it in the future. So there is no definition. You are made up of love my dear. This whole universe is made up of this one thing called love. And all other things are either in its pure form or distorted form. Anger is love distorted. If you love perfection too much, then you get angry at imperfection. So that is love for perfection. Love for objects is called greed. Love for somebody can become jealousy and possessiveness. All the negativities are off springs of love. Love minus knowledge is all these problems. Love with wisdom becomes bliss.

What is the difference between karma and destiny?

Question - Gurudev, what is the difference between karma and destiny? Gurudev Sri Sri - The word destiny means Vidhi, this is how it is. The word Karma has several different connotations. It can mean action or latent action. The impression of an action that might give rise to another action can also be called karma.

The jigsaw maze of our small mind is taken care of by our loving Guru when we surrender to Him and live our lives with 'purity in heart, clarity in mind and sincerity in deeds'. His Grace and love is beyond space and time.

TINA WELLINGTON, a senior executive in the hospitality industry says, "My Guru is beyond Space and Time". Read how a devout Zoroastrian experienced the Master’s grace.  A Zoroastrian by faith, worshiper of fire, no idol worship and certainly no worship of a living entity were my formative years. Respect all and live life as per our 3 tenets. Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds were values inculcated by my mother. How could one then believe in a ‘living’ being in a white attire and long flowing hair as your spiritual Master!  As they say, the Master ‘finds you’ and it’s not you that finds a Master. Well, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ‘chose’ my beautiful daughter Sanaya and me during an interaction at an event in Mumbai. Some years later In 2013, Sanaya and I travelled to Bali with Gurudev. One day, as we were sitting on the beautiful Bali beach, HE looks at Sanaya and says “Abhi uski shaadi kara do. (Get your daughter married now.) I told him, ‘’Gurudev I...

How to control emotions in times of crisis?

Question - Gurudev, how to control emotions in times of crisis? Gurudev Sri Sri - Breathing, breathing, and breathing. Breath is the biggest secret that nature has put in you. It is linked to your emotions. Through breathing exercise technique, you can control your emotions. I think many of you have experienced this, isn't it? (Many raise their hands) Those who have not experienced this, you must do a little bit of breathing exercises regularly, then you will have more say over your mind.

What is the atma (soul)?

Question - Gurudev, what is the atma (soul)? Gurudev Sri Sri - It is the cause behind your very existence. Without it, you would not exist. The atma is that which listens through the ears, perceives through the eyes, smells through the nose, tastes through the tongue, and which is the reason for everything that happens.

I just keep calm and trust that “GURUDEV is always with me!” Now it has been one month of leaving the medicines, and I do not have any signs of depression. From medicine to meditation, and I have become a changed person!

I am writing this story with moist eyes. I don’t know how to say thanks to Him, and that would be less too. Gurudev is God for me. Through Him, I learnt to smile, even in problems. After my younger sister’s marriage, I felt very lonely, as I used to share all my problems with my sister, and she used to boost me many times, and this way I was keeping a balance in my life. I was working in Pune as a Senior Software Engineer, but my personal life was in a complete mess, full of troubles. Problems were just not ceasing. My confidence was at an all- time-low, owing to the comments I would receive for being over-weight, topped with my loneliness. I felt uncomfortable in a public setting and would constantly worry about people’s opinion of me. Gradually, I started avoiding public appearances and would lock myself indoors. This developed depression in me. I tried hard to find some people who would understand me, but failed miserably, and fell into deeper depression. In the meantime...

Just let go of all your controls and let Him take over. Trust your Master. He will never let you down! For me, it’s my connection with Him that no one can break

This is Anuj Khanijau from Mumbai. I did my first AOL course in January, 2005. From being a firm non believer till I met Guruji in 2003, to date : it has been a journey that even I find difficult to fathom. For some unknown reason, even though reluctant to carry on, I kept continuing the practices, on account of my commitment to the teacher during the course. Again reluctantly, my legs started pulling me onto one Advance (Part 2) course after the other. I knew I was losing control and Someone was taking over, but for a weird reason, I did not mind this happening, right to the point of walking into a TTC (Teacher’s Training Course)!!! Probably it was only a few months back that I realized the true value of letting go of control! My mother, who is a devotee since 2001, and also the one responsible for getting me hooked on, had gone for some work to Dadar (Mumbai), where she suddenly collapsed. I was not around, but another colleague with her rushed her to a close-by hospital....

We are so fortunate to be under Guruji’s shelter. After a fall from 7 meters, with no head and back injuries, our faith has become stronger in the Divine. The Art of Living has taught Nilesh to smile under all circumstances, even with shooting pain of multiple fractures.

Guru’s Miracles are truly beyond Time, Space and Distance! Nilesh Gupta did the Part-1 course in July; travelled to Perth in August to do the Advance Course with Chris Dale, and did the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation in mid November in Sydney. Enthusiastically, as a devotee’s journey begins, we would meet frequently for Satsangs, discuss knowledge, and share Guru-Stories. Every week, we would struggle to find a follow-up venue – Calling Schools/Colleges/Temples/Community Centres’. Just then, Nilesh and his wife Charul decided to give a part of their warehouse for the Art of Living follow-up activities. Construction started soon, within a day of this thought manifesting in their minds. Amidst their busy business and house hold chores, both husband and wife devoted their time and efforts for Seva – arranging Intro talks, organizing follow-ups etc. Planning and execution was at its peak for the centre’s interiors, matching sofa, a big picture of Gurudev, a Knowledge Library etc. Fil...

How much money should a person earn in life? Does earning more than one's needs mean hoarding of money that is someone else's share? Also, what is the difference between being resourceful and self-sufficient?

Question - Gurudev, how much money should a person earn in life? Does earning more than one's needs mean hoarding of money that is someone else's share? Also, what is the difference between being resourceful and self-sufficient? Gurudev Sri Sri - See, put in all your efforts and earn as much as you can. But follow certain rules. It is not right to earn money by committing crimes, or through any other wrong means. If you do, then the result will only be misery and suffering. If you adopt wrong means to earn money, then your own conscience will prick you from within, and you will feel, 'I have stolen from someone'. It will pinch you from within. So do not use wrong means of earning money. You should put in all your effort to earn money, making the best use of time available to you.

People tend to consult Vastushastra -the ancient Indian science of space and architecture - before starting the construction of a building or a new home. What is the relevance of these practices in the times of today?

Question - Gurudev, people tend to consult Vastushastra (the ancient Indian science of space and architecture) before starting the construction of a building or a new home. What is the relevance of these practices in the times of today? Gurudev Sri Sri - See, there are many different shastras (body of science or knowledge) and not just one. Different methods and approaches are written and prescribed in different scriptures. So it is okay to consult Vastushastra before you construct a new home. But if m there is some dosha (here meaning an anomaly in the land or the type of construction), simply chant Om Namaha Shivaya. Chanting this one mantra is enough to remove any negativity and any type of problems you may face. You know, being in devotion removes all obstacles in one's way. By being sincere in your Seva, Sadhana and Satsang, all problems get removed, and negativity disappears. This is why mantras like Om Namaha Shivaya and the Mahamrityunjay Mantra are so great. Th...

The Fourth Dimension That which is beyond the intellect, beyond the identity, that is worth knowing. That is Brahman. Upanishad emphasises that there is no other way, you have to know that.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension* *Day 20* That which is beyond the intellect, beyond the identity, that is worth knowing. That is Brahman. Upanishad emphasises that there is no other way, you have to know that.  It's easy to say I know it. It is easy to say I don't know. If you say I don't know, then also you are not truthful. One who knows like that, he really knows. Are you not confused? It's not straight mathematics.  If you are not confused, you will get confused in the next few hours. The jobs of Rishis is not to convey, but just to thoroughly confuse. If you think you know it, you don't know it.  If you think you don't know it that's not correct. You know it. The Consciousness is such that deep inside there is something that knows it. In our conscious mind, we think we don't know, but our subconscious mind knows it.  In the mind we think we don't know what our body needs, but our subconscious mind knows what our body needs. We don't liste...

He is the prana of the prana, the mind of the mind. He is not the sight, the scenery, but he is the seer. That power by which you can hear, are you hearing me? Which power is making you hear, listen to all this and observe? That power is Brahman.

*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality* *Day 18* Ritual has its significance. It creates an environment of Prana. The chantings have their effect. Everything every little thing has an impact on the universe. So they used to do yagya.  Yagya means following creation in the reverse order. Creation has happened from the subtle to the gross and yagya is following that order, going from gross to subtle and from subtle to gross. There are Vedic mantras, the mantras are sound vibrations. With a conscious mind, being aware of it, with the prana you chant them and then there is the fire.  Different herbs are taken and put into the fire in the ceremony and that vibration from the fire you take and store it in a pot of water. Water stores those vibrations of the mantra. It is technology.  If it is done properly it has an impact. Here again the consciousness of the person who is doing it matters a lot. If he is scattered in the mind and not focussed, this thing doesn't work. That's wh...

There was something mesmerizing about Him. His presence felt just so divine. His being was not that of a human. I felt as though I was in a different world, a world of peace and bliss. A world that seemed like heaven on earth. And before I could realize what it was, I found myself sitting for the next Yes+ course in the Ashram, in the presence of Sri Sri Himself.

I visited the Bangalore Ashram in August 2011, where I got an opportunity to see our beloved Guruji. There was something mesmerizing about Him. His presence felt just so divine. His being was not that of a human. I felt as though I was in a different world, a world of peace and bliss. A world that seemed like heaven on earth. And before I could realize what it was, I found myself sitting for the next Yes+ course in the Ashram, in the presence of Sri Sri Himself. I have been staying all by myself in Bangalore since I started college. It’s been quite difficult for me to survive here alone. Living by yourself in a new city is never too easy. I had started smoking and alcohol had become an integral part of my life. I felt I could not do without it. It was more of a psychological thing. I kept looking for support in the outside world. Little did I know, it was all within. Since the time I did my first Sudarshan Kriya (meditation and breathing technique taught in the Art of Livin...

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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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